All about me... o_O

theOtaku member since: March 21, 2008 | OtakuBoards member since: March 19, 2008
Birthday: September 7, 1985 | Real Name: Sabrina :p

My Anime

Anyway... I live in Salt Lake City, Utah! And no looking at me like that... >_> Utahans are not nuts! I promise! XD I'm just a regular first year college student who has yet to figure out what she wants to major in. Which means I have more than one idea I want to try. Hehe. Let's see... I'm also new to anime... I've only been watching it since I joined, I never had a reason to do so before. Oh and Indi is my roommate. It's her fault I'm here! :p Well her and Desbreko's. ^_^

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E-Cards! ^_^

Well I finally know how to use my out of date Adobe Photoshop program! XD Though Indi helped me out since in all honesty I never use the silly thing. But I got it into my head to make some e-cards from Lucky Star just for fun. Why? I don't know! I...

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Poetry Fun!

Thank you for all the kind welcomes and greetings everyone. This place has certainly turned out be such fun. Both here and over at OtakuBoards. I think I'm addicted to both p...

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o_O How'd I end up here? O_o

Okay, so my title is misleading, I know how I ended up here. XD I heard some very odd music coming from my roommate's room. Stuff that is so unlike what she ever listens to that I turned into a cat and just had to take a look. And oh what a trip t...

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