How Roko Meet Michael Jackson!

“Your so slow Roko! You keep falling behind!” My oldest brother growled and glanced back at me. “Were going to lose Mom and Dad again!” My other brother yelled to me.

I was tired but I made my legs go faster and pass both of them. Once I had pushed a head of both of them I stopped to wait. ‘Where were Mom and Dad any way?’ I thought to my self.

Getting up I went to track them down. I finally found their scent and started to track them when I heard an eerie howl. My eyes widened and I turned and ran. ‘Jagura’s soldiers! Of all the time! I hope Mom and Dad will be ok…’

I howled to see if my brothers were near, a bad mistake. I heard some shouting and the soldiers started to run after me with there loud guns. ‘I can’t keep this up! They’re going to get me sooner or later!”

‘May be I can lose them if I look like a human…’ I looked like a human and ran though the forest and ran into someone.

“Don’t kill me don’t kill me!!!!” I screamed and shut my eyes. “Don’t worry…Your safe.”

The soldiers found us and pointed their guns. “Hand her over she’s a wolf.” I looked up at the man who had said I was safe. “Excuse me? Dose she look like a wolf to you?” He laughed and helped me up.

“You must have the wrong person. I was trying to have a peaceful walk and this is what I get? You chasing a lost girl saying she’s a wolf when’s she’s not?” He shook his head. “Now get out of here!”

They hesitated then nodded and walked off. “T-thank you sir….” I said and started to walk off too.

“You think they will give up? If you leave now they will chase you again…I know what you are.” I froze and turned back to him. He simply smiled and walked over to me. “I’m Michael Jackson…What’s your name?”

“R-Roko…” I said a little shy since he was a human. He smiled, “What a nice name. Nice to meet you Roko. You are lost from your pack right?” I nodded. “Well then I’ll help you find them.

“They probably left me…” “Nonsense! You have to be positive!” He said and grabbed my wrist and pulled me along.

We had been walking for a while and talking back and forth. I was actually enjoying this human…May be not all are bad…”

“It must be so nice to be able to perform in front of all those people.” I said. “Yes it is…”

A movement caught my eye as my oldest brother stepped out fallowed by my other brother. “There you are Roko we-…Who’s this!?” His fur started to stand and he showed his teeth. “A human!? Are you that stupid!” He growled and stepped forward.

I stepped in front of Michael and showed my wolf form. “He’s done nothing wrong! H-he saved me!” My brother looked at him then nodded. “Fine Roko…Come on.” He said and turned.

I looked at them and rushed back and gave Michael a hug. “I-I will see you again right?” I asked. He nodded and smiled. “Of course Roko. Now go on before your lost again!” He said and watched me leave.


^^' I hope that was ok :D
