I think I have something...

I think I have an idea for the story part... but I really don't know if it works or not since I'm half-way brain dead... -_-'


"Don't call her that! It's not her fault!" Jess snapped.

"Heh, no it is her own fault," Kitt kicked the door open to the bird cage and stepped out, "But I do owe her thanks since she won't let any of my poor cats get hurt."

Kitt stroked one of my cats and she purred. "I owe her my gratitude, but that doesn't change anything," she frowned and kicked my way out of the window, "Seems I can't accomplish the task at hand right now with the molestors little special sex-slaves defending him. So I'll have to leave right now... Oh, and We aren't too willing to give up secrets so easily you know."

With one last smirk, she disappeared with the cats, leaving them.

--- Meanwhile ---

Kitt's cat that she sent out earlier seemed to find its way into a dark alley, which needless to say wasn't empty. "So I take it she sent you to find us?" a mysterious voice said.

The cat meowed in reasponse. "Was the task accomplished? She acted like it was no big deal," the voice continued.

"What if she got killed by those people," a voice seemed to say with nervousness in it.

"Unlikely... but we'll just have to see for ourselves how our old friend, and I use the term loosely, Michael is doing..."
