
"Sotaru... Jessica..." A familiar voice filled the air. I jumped into Sotaru's arms in fear.

"Jess, it's just Michael..." Sotaru said calmly. I quckly got off of Sotaru and blushed. I know it was Michael, but it's still new to me that he's dead.

"Michael, thank you for the magical puns!" I said in a funny, humor voice. He laughed.

"That's not the only thing I could do... I'm just letting you know that you can have your black magic and chakra back, and that one of you can transform into anything when there is a shooting star."

"Like that cool sports car you turned into before?" I asked happily.

"Yes, just like that. Also, my friend Roko is here and you better go find her." Michael reminded us.

"Wait, before you go, how are you here if we didn't summon you yet?" Sotaru asked. Michael laughed again.

"Silly Sotaru! In my city, I'm alive and immortal. Beside I'm a spirit with my own free will." Then Michael was gone. I smiled.

"C'mon Sotaru, let's go find this Roko girl!" I happily yelled as I leaded the way.
