Preparing for AWA

I am so excited for Anime Weekend Atlanta! We are going to reserve our hotel room this thursday! XD YAY! WEll, I was searching for a dress or the AWA Ball and came across this, tell me what you think!
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I want to cosplay, but I am not sure...I might just dress up in lolita. I need help, so this is a picture of me. I want to look like the character this time so people can recognize me. So, please comment on who I should cosplay as???? Please, with sugar on top!?

terrible pic of me it was the most recent....

Woo! Just booked the hotel room last night! It is official!!!! but yeah, it took a while to book it because i couldn't deposit the money right away and then mum fell ill, but I finally did it!!!!

Some info on the convention here.
