
Ello! I got back from my friends house EARLY this morning! Which is really strange because I haven't spent the night at a friend's house in over two years. My Anxiety Disorder always got in the way of everything. I would have anxiety attacks, similar to panic attacks, and it always stopped the fun and I would be so bleck......

Symptoms of an attack(in order of appearance):Hot Flash, tightness in chest(not like a heart attack), rapid breathing, Dizziness, nausea, vomitting, eventually passing out. Whas worse is that the first symptom stays when the next appears, so in the end you end up with all of them at the same time.

HOWEVER, I found a trick! Icy air/air conditioner in the face stiffles the hot flash and it stops the other symptoms in there tracks.

BUT, what REALLY sucks is when you have one in your sleep....the beginning you don't know of until you wake up and feel terrible.

Well, I ended up only having two small ones this weekend! Which made me happy!

I had lots of fun with Manda-chan! We watched movies and stuff. Which reminds me, you should watch a movie called Paprika! Its freaky but cool! Its the same director who mad Perfect Blue, Millinium Actress, and Tokyo Godfathers! Though, I do not recommend Perfect Blue......its rather disturbing....
