Bagels and Brimstone

Sunlight licks the edges of my window like flames. I sigh in a mix of contentedness and frustration. It's early. It's really early and I have been awake for some time. As I roll over, I see the sunlight reach his face. That face that I've never woken up to before. I suppose I still haven't woken up to it as I haven't slept. His mouth barely open as he breathes. His eyes flutter as he dreams. I wonder what he dreams about. I'm suddenly jealous of his sleep and his dreams as they have his full attention.

I gently roll out of bed, glancing behind me at him as I go to the kitchen to make coffee. Maybe I'll have some toast too. After starting the coffee I feed the dogs and put them out. I return to the kitchen to find my coffee already poured. He's there, having a cup himself, wrapped in the comforter from my bed. Laughing at him, I offer him cream and sugar. Both are declined. The awkwardness of the morning after tries to invade the room as I reach for my coffee. "You should think of picking up some saris. That's a good look for you," I say as I point at my blanket wrapped around him. He laughs, whether he is amused or being kind is hard to tell. His smile is sly.

"I didn't have many other choices," he replies pointing at his shorts that I happen to be wearing. Tension defeated. Lowering a bagel into the toaster, I make the suggestion that coffee is better on the patio in the backyard. I remind him of privacy fence as he gives me a sidelong glance. We opt for the dining room instead. Not wanting to leave the room, I look over yesterdays paper. He answers the toaster's POP as I reread the same political coverage I read the day before. I jolt in surprise as I'm pelted in the face with a piece of my bagel. He is laughing hysterically as he bites into said bagel. I try and glare at him. "That's mine." Glare fades.

"Come and get it."

Challenge accepted.