The names { Redacted }
This world is just here for fun, don't take anything too seriously.


hahhahaha i'm still alive!

HEERRRRRPPPPAAADDDEEERRRPP yeah so, I've been sketching a bit but nothing too drastic. TEEHEE my mum let me choose some body wash the other day and i got a lemon scented one, It's so good it smells like lemonade sniffs shoulder while typing
A cyclone is passing by so it's super wet and cold! But it's ok, i've got my fluffy socks and jacket -v-
Im excited about the upcoming Easter holidays becuase my family and i are going on to an adventure resort! Whoo! mmmmmmmmhhhmmmmmm, thats pretty much all I've been doing lately, other than school, which is boring >.<

yupyupyup! That's all for now, Bye! ^3^

I is a big kid now

Yo, Wussup? Finally i have some time to play on my computer, so i thought i might post an update type thing about whats going on right now.

As all of you know, tomorrow is valentines day... and well... i ain't feeling the love at all lately. I mean, i'm not complaining or anything lol jk i am complaining //bricked but .....uuughgghhhhh my friends all got a special somebody and tomorrow they're gonna ASK THEM OUT.. LIKE HOW MUCH MORE ROMANTIC CAN YA GET?? also my school does this thing where they order roses and people can have them DELIVERED DIRECTLY TO YA, LIKE THATS PRETTY FREAKING CUTE MAN. le sigh, i wanna get pretty roses too.... asdsfaghdgd but i get way to doki doki around the person i like and i'm pretty sure they hate me but thats cool... I guess you could say i'm one of those hopeless romantics.. who is also forever alone.. HA but thats my fault cuz i'm way to shy when it comes to talking to people i like...hhhmmmmmmm

oh, i have also been drawing heaps but i'm gonna limit my posts to one a day so as not to spam the heck outa everybody.. mmmyea dats all for now, I hope you gaiz all have a wonderful valentine day ^3^ Bye!


hey, it's another of my strange bipolar posts |D

I have only 2 more weeks till i start my first senior year of high school, which is exciting but i'm pretty sure it's gonna be as crap as year 10 was last year. HA. No, to be honest I'm happy about this year becuase i got into both of the senior art classes plus japanese! Which is awesome, every other year the school would eff about with my time table and i'd usually get stuck in classes that were completely unrelated to what i had written on the subject forms. geh, a good friend of mine left tho, which is probably for the best.
She was extremly difficult person to be around.. for others anyway, for me she was just slightly annoying but other than that she was a good person. she was nice and she liked to be stupid, like me. She was amazingly good at pushing peoples buttons though.

My older sisters said that senior is easier, but thats probably just a load of shite. I hate work, as in real life work, like getting a job at mcdonalds or something. school is all about training you for the workplace, I have no desire to work at a real job, I have no motivation for it.. at all. But i really want money, sooooooooo yeah im gonna have to get over myself at some point. hhhhhhmmmmmmmm...... a random thought i had last night, It's probably best to have a child when your younger and your skinn is more elastic. You know, so you don't end up sweeping the floor with all that extra skin from the pregnancy. Oh look a funny picturehehehe

uuhhhh yeah thats all for now, bye C:


AAHHHAHAHAHA sorry for dumping all my shitty feelz on you guys. I just have been feeling terrible since christmas.. for reasons..... but anyway, i feel alot better now because i finally am able to draw again! I guess that the lack drawing caused all those terrible thoughts and feelings. I dunno really, i could be bipolar... or I'm just being a tempremental teenager. One or the other. My internet is running out so i can't really spend as much time lurking around herestalking all your profiles MWAHAHAHACOUGHCHOKESDIES
my cousin came over the other day and we spent most of the time laughing, as usual. I guess Some people bring out the complete retards in us all.


When did it start? [whine ahead]

I have always been questioned as to why i started drawing and doing art. My teachers at school are very frustrated by my constant scribbling in class, and always ask why i draw all the time. Back then I questioned myself alot too, People would giggle when i told them i didn't know. Truth is, I've always known why i do it but I'm to shy to explain why. I feel that if i told them it was to keep me from becoming a sad hollow little shell of a person they'd think i'd need help. It's not that i don't want help, it just feels like they are looking down on me because i have 'mental health issues'.

I have an inferiority complex that keeps me from asking for the help i really want. It buggs me when people tell me to "Stop thinking like that" Or "you're just being stupid" or especially when they say something like "You're such an emo". If i could stop feeling the things i feel i would. But i can't just stop. That's not how it works and i don't understand why people think it just magically happens like that. Also my sisters have been saying for a while, or it's more like they are teasing me about when i'm going to find a man. But thats kinda the problem because i think i like both genders.

I'm not really sure... but i guess i'll find out sooner or later. Sorry to burden you all with my shitty feelz. I really need to get real life friends and quit pouring out my heart to a computer screen. But to be honest i feel better writing these things down instead of keeping them all inside, Especially to this computer screen because it can't turn around and tell me to stop being a whiny little emo child.
