~Welcome to Meme Tower!

In this world, there will be memes. Nothing else but memes! Enjoy!

Visit my other worlds!

Quote Crescent
Blogging Blowup
AN-IMEzing World!

~ForeverOtaku (Ri-chan)

Question for ya'll!!

Hi hi!

Well I have a question, as you saw from the title. Do you think I should change the name of this world? I only post memes in it anyway and I'm not really asking questions, I'm just answering questions in memes! So do you think I should keep the name of this world or should I change it?

Let me know in the comments. Thanks!


Derpy Meme xD

Moshi moshi! (Learned that phrase a few days ago XD)

A derpy meme stolen from ChinaSan:

Your guy side

[x] You love hoodies.
[x] You love jeans.
[ ] Dogs are better than cats. (I can't choose between them!)
[ ] It's hilarious when people get hurt. (:O)
[x] You've played with/against boys on a team. (I was the only girl o.o)
[ ] Shopping is torture. (It is? xD)
[ ] Sad movies suck.
[ ] You own an X-Box.
[x] Played with Hotwheels cars as a kid.
[ ] At some point in time you wanted to be a firefighter.
[x] You own a DS, PS2 or Sega.
[ ] You used to be obsessed with Power Rangers.
[x] You watch sports on TV.
[ ] Gory movies are cool.
[ ] You go to your dad for advice.
[ ] You own like a trillion baseball caps.
[ ] You like going to football games.
[ ] You used to/do collect baseball cards.
[ ] Baggy pants are cool to wear.
[ ] It's kinda weird to have sleepovers with a bunch of people.
[x] Green, black, red, blue, or silver are one of your favorite colors.
[x] You love to go crazy and not care what people think.
[x] Sports are fun.
[ ] Talk with food in your mouth.

Total = 9

Your Girl Side

[x] You wear lip gloss.
[x] You love to shop.
[ ] You wear eyeliner. (Rarely)
[x] You have some of the same shirts in different colors.
[x] You wear the color pink.
[ ] Go to your mom for advice. (Usually I go to my friends for advice x))
[ ] You consider cheerleading a sport.
[ ] You hate wearing the color black.
[ ] You like hanging out at the mall.
[ ] You like getting manicures and/or pedicures. (Never had one, I do my own nails)
[ ] You like wearing jewelry.
[ ] Skirts are a big part of your wardrobe.
[ ]Shopping is one of your favorite hobbies.
[ ] You don't like the movie Star Wars.
[x] You are/were in cheerleading, gymnastics or dance.
[ ] /It takes you around 1 hour to shower, get dressed,/ and put on make-up and accessories
[x] You smile a lot more than you should.
[ ] You have more than 10 pairs of shoes.
[x] You care about what you look like.
[ ] You like wearing dresses when you can.
[ ] You like wearing body spray/perfume/cologne.
[x] Used to play with dolls as little kid.
[ ] Like putting make-up on someone else for the joy of it.
[x] Like taking pictures of yourself with your cell phone/camera when you're bored. (On my DSi, since I don't have a phone yet)

Total = 9

I'm both a guy and a girl. :3


"Layering" Up A Meme

Hi everyone~

Holy, I keep posting memes one after another in this world! o.o
Stolen from SweeTea who stole from HelloKatty.



- Name: ForeverOtaku
- Eye Color: Dark brown
- Hair Style/Color: Wavy and black
- Height: 5 2" and a half
- Clothing style: Jeans with long sleeve shirts/t-shirts with a sweater thrown on top.
- Best physical feature: My hair...? Idk

- Your fears: Death, losing all my best friends, getting in deep deep trouble, being involved in violence
- Your guilty pleasure: I don't really have one
- Ambitions for the future: Getting straight As, think clearly and thought out before making a decision, and other stuff

- Your first thoughts waking up: "STFU alarm..."
- What you think about most: My crush, things I could have done to prevent my past troubles, family issues, friends...
- What you think about before bed: Why I have to sleep at this time when it's summer and I can have semi-all nighters...
- You think your best quality is: Helping others with their problems, being sweet and kind, listen to what people want to say, patient...?


- Single or group dates: Single.
- To be loved or respected: To be loved.
- Beauty or brains: Brains.
- Dogs or cats: Can't choose!!

- Lie: Only when it's really necessary
- Believe in yourself: Sometimes
- Believe in love: Yes.
- Want someone: Maybe...

- Been on stage: Yes.
- Done drugs: No o.o
- Changed who you were to fit in: No

- Favorite color: All types of blue, purple, neon colors, gold, silver, a little bit of pink
- Favorite animal: Koalas, Owls, Pandas
- Favorite movie: Hunger Games, and Real Steel (At the moment, might change when Catching Fire comes out)
- Favorite game: WAYY too many to name

- Day your next birthday will be: Thursday
- How old will you be: Don't want to reveal
- Age you lost your virginity: Still a virgin

- Best personality: A nice, caring, smart, sincere, honest, good thinker, kinda personality
- Best eye color: Hazel or dark brown
- Best hair color: Light brown, or dirty blond
- Best thing to do with a partner: Anything that makes both of you happy

- I love: Reading, writing stories, drawing, watching anime, daydreaming, laughing, and being happy :)
- I feel: Tired, because I just woke up
- I hide: My depression, if I can
- I miss: My friends, and my crush
- I wish: I can see my friends in person during the summer break and to be friends with my crush :)


Meme Apocalypse O-o

This is a damn long meme!! O_O
Stolen from Hifsa who stole from TheDarkEclipse

What does your last text say?
I don't have a phone yet, but my last chat message was "Bye"

Where were you last night?
In my room

What is today's date?
July 1, 2013

When you're at the grocery store do you use the self checkout?

Has anyone ever sang to you?
I think one of my friends did

If you were abandoned in the wilderness, would you survive?
If I had enough supplies, just maybe...

Who do you text the most?
Chat; my friends

How do you make your money?
I don't make money

First person to text you today?
No one yet

What is your favorite color?
Um... all types of blue, purple, neon colors, silver, gold...

How tall are you?
5 2" and a half

Has anyone kissed you today?

What were you doing at 10 am this morning?
Reading a book

Do you like your parents?
Most of the time :T

Do you secretly like someone?
It's not a secret anymore

Who was the last person you said you loved on the phone?
I don't remember

Where is the furthest place you've traveled?

Which do you prefer, to eat or sleep?
I just had breakfast, so getting some good dreams will be fine by me

Who was the last male to text you?
My cousin

Do you look more like your mom or your dad?
Other people: "Your mom ALL THE WAY~~"
I really don't know how I look like my mom, but strangers think we're sisters, my mom's friends think I'm a duplicate of her, and my friends think she looks like my twin o.0

Who are all your texts from in your inbox?
theO inbox: Friends, and notifications of dedications and stuff
Email inbox: Notifications, and friends

When was the last time you cried?
Last week; on the last day of school :'(

Are you a patient person?

Do you think too much or too little?
Way too much -_-'

Have you had sex with more than 5 people this month?
O.o I'm a virgin, no

Have you ever found someone that you really, really, really like?

Do you have any plans for tomorrow?
Go to the library...?

Is there anyone you wouldn't mind punching right now?
Not at the moment

Is there really a difference between coke and pepsi?
*Procrastinate moment* I need to taste both of them again, I'll get back to you in a while xP

Do you miss the way things used to be?

Is it cute when a boyfriend/girlfriend calls you baby?
The term kinda sounds awkward, to be honest

At a movie theater which arm rest is yours?

Do you think you could live with your best friend?

When showering, do you start the water and then get in, or get in then start the water?
I'm so weird, I get in and start the water

Is there anyone you don't wanna lose?
Too many people to count

What is worse, physical or emotional pain?

Would you rather read a Super long book or write a 10 page essay?
Super long book

Last night you..?
Went to Ashbridge's Bay, came home, and slept :T

Would you kiss the last person who texted you, on the lips?
The last person who chatted with me was a girl!! O.o no!

Do you trust all of your friends?

Do you wish you had someone else's girlfriend/ boyfriend?

For people that don't know you, what do they think your age usually is?
Like mid-teens

Do you think someone is talking crap about you behind your back?
Maybe, idk

What color was the last pill you took?

Has more than one person ever told you they're in love with you?

Who was the last person to call you?
One of my friends

Do you think you're an argumentative person?

What do your friends call you?
On theO; Ri-chan, Rei.

Where will you be on Saturday?
Either at the library, or at home

Something good gonna happen tomorrow?
How should I know?

Would you rather have a smoothie or milkshake?
Can't choose...

Do you smoke weed regularly?
No, I don't smoke

Do you own an iPod?

Can you whistle?

Where are you going to be at 4:00 tomorrow?

How good is your eyesight?
Pretty good

Is there someone you wish you could fix things with?
Not now, cuz I think I solved most of my problems at the end of the school year

What does the third text message in your inbox say?
theO: A notice that someone subbed me :D
Email: A notification

What's the first thing you did when you opened your eyes today?
Tried to block my eyes from the sun

Did you have any unread text messages when you woke up today?


Meme hee hee hee


This meme stolen from SweeTea who stole from HelloKatty:

Name ➔ ForeverOtaku

► Will you answer all questions truthfully ➔ Yeah
► Are you single ➔ Yes
► Are you happy ➔ At the moment, I"m feeling ok-ish
► Are you Italian ➔ No
► Are you German ➔ No
► Are you Asian ➔ Yes
► Are you angry? ➔ At my report card
► Are you Irish ➔ No
► Are your parents still married ➔ Yes

► Love or lust ➔ Love
► Lemonade or iced tea ➔ Lemonade
► Cats or Dogs ➔ Both
► A few best friends or many regular friends ➔ A few best friends
► Television or internet ➔ When was the last time I watched tv? Idk. Internet.
► Pepsi or Coke ➔ Pepsi <3
► Wild night out or romantic night in ➔ Romantic night in
► Day or night ➔ Both
► IM or Phone ➔ IM

► Been caught sneaking out ➔ I never sneaked out...
► Fallen down/up the stairs ➔ Weird, but I fallen UP. Ow
► White water rafted ➔ Want to try it someday
► Finished an entire jawbreaker ➔ Of course
► Wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? ➔ Yup
► Prank called a store ➔ I want to xDD
► Skipped school ➔ No
► Wanted to disappear ➔ When I'm really depressed or when I'm stuck in a situation I don't want to be in.

► Smile or eyes ➔ Smile
► Light or dark hair ➔ Both
► Fat or skinny ➔ I don't judge people like that. I call some people skinny, but I mean it as a compliment. But I don't call people fat. So I say both
► Shorter or Taller ➔ Parents: "Tall!! Say tall!!" Me: "Average. '-'"
► Intelligence or Attraction ➔ Intelligence
► Hook-up or Relationship ➔ Relationship
► Funny and poor OR rich and serious ➔ Funny and poor

► Last Phone Call ➔ Can't remember
► Last phone call you received ➔ My mom
► Last person you hung out with ➔ Friends
► Last thing you ate ➔ Rice
► Last thing you drank ➔ Water
► Last site you went to ➔ Google+
► Last place you were ➔ Kitchen

► Are you in a committed relationship ➔ No
► When was your last relationship ➔ Never had one
► Have you ever loved a guy/girl more than anything else in the world? ➔ Sometimes
► Do you still love them ➔ Trying to get over him, but yes...

► Do you and your family get along ➔ Most of the time
► Would you say you have a “messed up life” ➔ At certain times, yes
► Have you ever run away from home ➔ No
► Have you ever gotten kicked out ➔ O.o no
► If so, how long ➔ Never have

► Do you secretly hate one of your friends ➔ No, if I did, I would stop being friends with them. Simple as that.
► Do you consider all of your friends good friends ➔ Yes!
► Who are/is your best friend(s) ➔ I'll just name my theO friends since I can't say my friends' names: SweeTea, ChinaSan, Hifsa, Klassic, Tafu-chan, LGA775, Vanilla Cupcake (Sorry I don't talk to you much, I'll try to in the future :)), HotRamen2Go009 (you too), DemonsandAngels
► Who knows everything about you ➔ I guess my parents, they know almost everything about me :O
