Sticky Solution

You + Adorable, Yet Naive Boyfriend + Cotton Candy Bubble Gum = Awkward, Yet Enjoyable Situation!!!


*chew, chew, chew, chew*



With a raised eyebrow, Hitsugaya stared at you from across the sofa with fascination as you continuously chewed the foreign substance in your mouth while your eyes were gazing with mild interest at the television screen before you. Your chomps were occasionally paused when you blew a bubble right before popping it between your teeth and continuing with your jaw exercises.

He dared to ask, “What are you eating?”

“Gum,” you replied simply, flipping through channels in an uninterested manner.

The confusion didn’t leave his eyes. “What’s gum?”

You finally tore your eyes from the screen and faced your inquiring boyfriend. You opened your mouth and showed him the blue, chewed up, sticky substance on your tongue. You laughed softly when his nose crinkled in disgust.

“Looks nasty,” he remarked.

“It’s actually pretty good,” you said, taking out a pack of gum from your pocket. “Want some?”

He stared at it. “What’s so great about it? Seems like it takes a long time to eat, since you’ve been chewing on that piece for an hour already. You planning on swallowing it anytime soon?”

You snorted at his naiveté. “They’re not meant to be swallowed, Shiro-chan. You just chew it until the flavor goes away.”

He stared blankly. “So what’s the point of it then?”

“To entertain your mouth.” You shoved a piece of gum in his hand. “Come on. Try it already. It’s cotton candy flavored~!”

He took the piece you gave him and closely examined the innocent blue cube in his palm. Finding nothing wrong, he tentatively put it his mouth and began chewing. His eyes widened as his tongue sampled the sweet juices coming from the strange substance. For awhile, the two of you sat there in silence, your jaws too busy to talk.

All was quiet, save for the noise of your TV program. Then you calmly blew a small bubble and cracked it loudly. Hitsugaya watched you do it and asked, “How did you do that?”

“It’s easy really.”

You both turned so that you were both facing each other on the sofa. “First, you poke your tongue through the gum,” you said, demonstrating.

After Hitsugaya had done so, you said, “Then you just remove your tongue and start blowing.”

You both began to exhale, causing your bubbles to expand and expand until….




“Now what?”

“…I’m not sure.”

It was quite a dilemma you had gotten yourself into. It turns out that your bubbles stuck to each other, resulting in a sticky link from your mouth to his.

“I guess there’s only one thing to do, Shiro-chan,” you declared.

Though reluctant at first, he had to agree. Without another word, you began to nibble at the gooey chain between the two of you. Slowly but surely, the link began to shrink as you both gobbled your ends. You were so busy gobbling gum that you failed to notice the shrinking distance until it was too late.

As if out of nowhere, your sticky lips met his. You were both caught off guard and instinctively pulled away. Unfortunately, this gum was the REALLY sticky kind. You know, the kind that, once it sticks, it never comes off. Like, if you blew a bubble and it popped, you’d have sticky wisps of gum stuck to your lips for about a week. And every time you open your mouth, you can still feel your lips slightly stick together because of it.

But I digress.

Anyway, since it was the really irritating kind of gum I just ranted about previously, you pulled back only to have your lips forcibly pulled back to his. You stared into each other’s eyes, unsure of what to do.

“Well,” you mumbled against his soft, yet sticky lips, “this is awkward.”

He nodded in agreement, choosing to say as little as possible for the moment. “What now?”

“Well, I can only think of two options.”

“Go on.”

“One, we could awkwardly move toward the bathroom and start scrubbing this gum off.”

“And two?”

At this point, you began to grin cattishly. “We could remove this gunk later and stay like this for awhile. I really don’t mind.”

He blinked cutely. Then you felt his lips upturn against yours. “I’m good with the latter,” he said right before applying pressure.
