Hello fellow Otakus. If you love reading manga, you probably will love reading Manhwa. Manhwa is manga from Korea.There are many pblishers that publish them in English. For example, Tokyopop, Dark Horse comics,etc. I know some of you don't read manhwa, but i do! For more info on Manhwa,go to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manhwaand you'll understand what I mean.

Bride of the Water God volume 2.

I finally got volume two of Bride of the Water God. It took sooooo long for me to wait and get it.The creator is a nice korean lady and you can see pictures of her only in volume two.

Bride of the Water God

Bride of the Water God was the first manhwa I read that was licensed by Dark Horse comics. It's really interresting since there are only two volumes already released. I wish to read volume two.
