Hi!This is where me (Satsuki) and Sayumi (mimisun) posts our storys.I hope you enjoy them and plz comment.Oh and plz tell me if u have suggestins on my stories.
Thanx your pal,

"The Red Moon"Chap. 3

"Where is Sarina?" asked Hana." She is probally still back there fighting Reiji but are you thirsty?" Yutsuki replied. Hana didn't think about her raging thirst for blood until now. "Do you have ummmm...blood?" she squeaked. "Of course." he replied calmly. When he left the other vampire moved to her side. "It's too bad we can't eat you, oh well maybe when Yutsuki's not looking." he laughed.

After he said that Hana moved a couple of inches away. "Who are you." she asked.
"I'm Yamato,Yutsuki's little brother."he replied. Then Yutsuki came back and handed her a cup. She sniffed it, the blood was so mouthwatering she almost drooled. Hana drank the whole thing in one big gulp.

After she finished she saw how both Yutsuki and Yamato were staring at her."What is the matter?" she asked them."Wow when was the last time you drank?You were very thirsty." Yamato replied. "What am I doing here anyways?" Hana pondered out loud.

"I brought you here because I thought you might help me. Since you just turned into a vampire and all." said Yutsuki. "What do you need help with?"Hana asks. Just then Sarina storms in."Get away from her Yutsuki!"Sarina said, hoping she wasn't too late.

"Huh?" said Hana looking confused. "Are you all right thank goodness you're alive!" sighed Sarina "Now lets go before you get eaten!"
"Wait, let me explain what happened." said Yutsuki.

They both paused for a minute. "Fine" Sarina finally said. Yutsuki explained to the both of them how Hana is only halfway to becoming a full vampire. "Do you trust him Hana?" asked Sarina sincerly."Hmm....yes I do trust Yutsuki" decided Hana. "I know about that Yutsuki, but what does that have to do with what you need help with?"

Reiji flew in."What are you doing with my lunch Yutsuki?"asked Reiji angrily. The whole room was filled with hisses. In seconds Yutsuki and Sarina were in front of Hana like a barrier. Only Yamato was still on the couch, waiting for the fight to happen. Just then the sun rose and Reiji fell out of the window and left with one final hiss. "I'll be back for her"
"Now please tell me what this is about Yatsukui and ... thank you guys."Hana said.

When they were all calm Yutsuki started to explain everthing again. Hana was so confused she barely heard anything at all. But she manage to memorize the vampire rules. Apparently it was made by the Vampire counsel to keep their society a secret and safe. The rules are:

1:you may NOT drink other vampire's blood
2:Telling others about vampires is strictly prohibited
3:If a mortal gets bit by a vampire the laws do not apply to them until they become a true vampire.
4:You cannot kill other vampires without the counsels consent.
5:pay due respect to royals
6:Never fall in love with a human

Those are the 6 rules of the counsel. They were now etched into Hana's mind.
"Why again do you need my help?" Hana asked "Well there is a war going on and we need everyones help to stop the Rebelons. They are threatning to kill every single human and turn the world into a world with no day."

Hana cringed at the thought of Musumi getting killed. "We are definetely not joining. Lets leave Hana!" Sarina yelled. "I'm not asking you I'm asking her. So are you in Hana?" All eyes were on Hana. "Yes, I'll join."

"The Red Moon"Chap. 2

She stood their for awhile, petrified staring into his blood red eyes. He started to approach her, walking slowly towards Hana. She wanted to step back but some how her legs just won't budge. Even in his large black cloak she could see his big muscles that look like they were about to rip the cloak. She has no chance if she were to fight him. She was going to die if she can still die.

Without knowing it his cold hand touched her face, he was already in front of her."You getting in trouble again Reiji?" said a mysterios voice from nowhere."Were you honestly thinking of drinking her blood? You know the rules,she is off limits cause' she's a vampire Reiji."
"But I'm the one who made her a vamp' because that stupid cat deamon interrupted my meal. And just mind your own business Rikoto." Reiji complained.

Then another pale white creature stepped out from the darkness. This time it looked like a boy with blond hair that almost looks white opposed to the 20 year old dark haired man in front of her. She guessed the age of the boy to be around 16.

Then Sarina hissed "Get out of here now Hana!" She wondered why she suddenly said that? Did Sarina have magical powers to read minds or something? She didn't want to know what would happen if she didn't follow Sarina's orders. Her legs finally unfroze letting her run. "Hey get back here kid!" yelled Reiji in fury. "No problem, I'll handle this." said the boy calmly.

She didn't even look back just letting the adrenaline take over. Then suddenly Hana felt a cold breeze past her and she stopped. The mysterious boy was in front of her. "Now what are we going to do with you?" said the boy. Sarina hissed again."What do you want with me?"Hana sobbed."Back off Yusuki!"Sarina hissed."No we're all gonna stay here until the matter is settled." replied Yusuki as he smirks. She feels a cold hand on her shoulder."Thats right Hana." Reiji laughed.

Then Sarina starts to glow and transforms into a human yet cat-like creature with claws sharp enough to rip through metal like it was butter."I said back off!" Sarina yelled as she threw Reiji to the ground. Then Sarina held out her huge claws and swiped at Reiji. But, the only thing shreded was the cement. The rest of the fight was a blur. The vampire and cat demon moved too fast for Hana to get a glimpse of.

Suddenly, she heard a whisper beside her ear. "Come with me Hana darling." Yutsuki had already lifted up Hana before she could rebutal. Hana had passed out in his arms as he wisked her away.His arms were not cold like Reiji's but not warm like Sarina's but yet she suddenly started to feel safe somehow. When she awoke she was in a great dark mansion. "Thirsty?" said a soothing voice yet the voice also had a little chill in it.

"You're good at fighting cat demon." spat Reiji. "You're not so bad either, vampire." Sarina hissed. Back at the alleyway Sarina and Reiji had stopped fighting as they relized Hana was gone."Oh no!"they cried in unision."My lunch!" Reiji cried."He made off with Hana!" cried Sarina. Both of them had sustained major injuries but not fatal, for their species anyway.

"Where did he take Hana to?" Sarina hissed viciously.
"He probably took her to The Royals Mansion, perhaps when we get their he would have sucked all her blood!" laughed Reiji.
"Just shut up!" screamed Sarina.

Sarina quickly darted toward The Royals Mansion. Sarina didn't even look back to see if Reiji was following. She had regretted not looking after her better and if that vampire did anything to her she would have to...kill him!

Back at the Mansion Hana had just awakened."Huh?" murmured Hana."I asked you if you wanted a drink." Yutsuki repeated. Another dark figure appeared "Is this our dinner, or just a snack brother?" it said. "She is neither for now she is our guest." Yutsuki demanded. Hana had suddenly remembered what happened. The vampires, Sarina the cat deamon, every thing.

"The Red Moon"Chap. 1

Hana was a young ordinary girl but the night of the red moon changed that all.
Hana was wandering around the town looking for her lost kitten Sarina. "Sarina, Sarina where are you, it's getting late" she yelled. She heard a meow from somewhere and rushed to the source of the sound. It was a dark alley way and she felt a strange aura that made her skin crawl, she looked up and realized the moon was blood red. Hana then hears a mysterious voice saying "A little walker under the red moon?". Its voice was like nails on a chalk board. She quickly turns around, a move she regreted and would pay with her life! The mysterious figure lunged towarded her. Then it was dark.

She heard a voice "You're safe now". The voice sounded different, it wasn't like the one she heard before, it was a lot warmer. She had passed out on the couch, Sarina was curled at her toes. Was it a dream? A sharp pain seared through her neck. "Ahh! What's happening?" she cried through her pain. She grasped at her neck which only made it hurt more. Then suddenly her body went numb and she passed out again.

"Hey, wake up you're scaring me. Are you all right?" the warm voice said. She peeked trough hear heavy eyelids "I'm awake she murmured.". Her eyes grew wide as she noticed who was talking to her. "S-S-SARINA? YOU CAN TALK?" she stammered.

"Meow" mewwed Sarina. "Oh maybe I was dreaming." said Hana and sighed. "You're not." said the warm voice. She turned around to see a tall, darked hair boy with green eyes looking at her. She looked around again. Sarina started to get up and hopped off somewhere. Then she looked back at the boy again into his emerald eyes.

"What happened?" asked Hana. "I don't know? I found you all bloody in the alley when I was heading home from work. Oh ya you had a nasty cut on your neck too." responded the boy. "I'll be right back do you want anything to drink a Coke maybe?"
"Sure." Hana replied.

"Hey Hana can you here me?" This time Hana was sure it belonged to Sarina. Hana jumped at the voice and fell off the couch. "Are you all right? You always hurt yourself, you better be careful."

Hana was finally out of her state of shock and finally said "How can you talk? You've never talked before!"
"That's because you weren't vampire before." responded Sarina.
"Vampire...VAMPIRE!" screamed Hana.
"Just calm down, everthing will be all right." shushed Sarina

It took awhile for Hana's mind to clear but it eventually did. She finally understood what had happened. First of all, she was out looking for her now talking cat Sarina when the moon turned red. Then a creepy voice spoke to her and then things went black. She spoke quietly. "I was bitten...by a...vampire."
"That's right." Sarina said.

The the boy returned with the Cokes. He handed one to Hana and she took a sip. For some reason it tasted absolutely disgusting!

Hana didn't say anything for awhile. Then she sighed and said. "Thank You."
"For what?" the boy asked. "For saving me. I was being attacked by a maniac!"

She decided to leave out the details of how it was actually a vampire attack. And right now she is probably also one too. Besides she is actually telling the truth, just leaving out some minor details.
"Your welcome, you should be more careful wandering the street at night. Oh ya my name is Musumi what's yours?"
"Okay Hana you should get going now your parents are probably worrying sick about you."

As Hana walked towards the door, she quickly ran back to give her savior a hug. Then suddenly her eyes turned bright red and quickly ran out with Sarina in her arms. Musumi looked confused as he stared at her back.

When Hana got back on the street she was hyperventilating. She was telling her self how could she think like that? How could she even think about drinking Musumi's blood. She ran as fast as she could away from him, she tried not to think about his pulsing neck and blood flow.

She ran till she reached a familiar alley way. "Hello, Hana." said the voice that made her shiver. "Welcome back."

Me and Sayumi Tps light's house:P

me and sayumi Tped light's house:P
"Yeah light stinks!lets tp his house!"yelled Satsuki. "TP! TP!"chanted Sayumi."I'LL GET THE EGGS!"chuckled Satsuki running to get some eggs from the store." I got the tomatoes" Sayumi said cheerfully running with Satsuki.WHOSE GETTING THE TP?Satsuki asked entering the groccery store."I've got a whole bunch of TP here" replied Sayumi as they left they groccery store. They trotted to light's house. "LETS GO TP LIGHT'S HOUSE!" Satsuki smiled. A very old Light
comes trudging out of the house "get offa my lawn youngings"he says as he's shakes his fist. Satsuki and Sayumi throws stuff at light and his house.
"Hey watch are u doing little brats. Get back here. When I get my Death note you'll pay!! Now where did I put that thing? There it is!he proclaims as he points at the ground". Satsuki: picks it up. Light bursts"NNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!". "To late here Sayumi" Satsuki teases as she hands Sayumi a piece of paper from the death note. "Now what should we do to him???" Sayumi says as she writes.Light starts running around in his underwear.
"This is what u get for killing L" declares Sayumi as she sticks her tongue out and hands Satsuki back the paper.Light complains "i cant controll myself dangnabit!".Ryuk starts to talk "YO!Wassup?". "Not much just TPing Lights house" replies Sayumi."Cool can i help?" replies Ryuk. "Sure got any more ideas to make fun of light?" Sayumi asks. "Yeah just one" Ryuk says as he smirks and pulls misa put from nowhere."Not her anything but her!!"pleads Light. "Lightkun!!!!!!!!" Misa says as she runs toward light."NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!"screams Light! WHAHAHAHAHAH!can i have an apple? comments Ryuk Light screams like a little girl. "Here you go" Satsuki tosses ryuk apples.Ryuc smiles.