Xio's Realtionship Chart

Xio's Relationship Chart

Nyarth – The brat that never leaves him alone and annoys the sh*t out of him. Though he is now the sensei of Nyarth teaching him how to battle and fend for himself, he has taken a small liking to him though he thinks he is still weak and immature. He think’s that Nyarth is a waste of his time but sees himself in Nyarth a little as he train him.

Lux – Arch rival and the nerd he picked on when he was a kid. Since Xio was the son of the leader of the village, everything came easy to him and he was spoiled but he hated how Lux always tried to improve and fit in even being as socially akward as he was. He hated Lux and enjoyed tormenting him as a child and to this day those feelings are the same. There are a few times where they have worked together but deep down, both will eventually fight and only one will survive. He considers him to be a foolish individual and weak for having emotions such as love. He views these emotions make him weak thus is why he believes he is far better then Lux in every way.

Krory - Has History with which has yet to be revealed, though it does involved the mafia and military crossing paths. Doesn't care much for Krory because of what Krory is doing. Think that its all just a big waste of time and worthless.

Shupple – One of his students and finds her interesting, though she figured him out to be a prince. He knows she is weak emotionally but is training her to become more skilled in the act of fighting. He merely respects her and nothing more though he doesn’t care much for her well being.

Tanner – In his words, “A Flower Pot” he considers Tanner to be a weaker being though he does know the secrets to his past and also is aware of Roland. He finds him rather entertaining since he knows the true Tanner and wishes to use him as pawn as well. As of recently, Tanner and Xio have actually became closer, even though they both dislike each other. Xio enjoys tormenting Tanner more or less in front of Mia. They even shared a 'man to man' kiss with each other. They have a Bromance even if Tanner denies it, deep inside both are probably best friend with each other.

Estelle – A hot piece of ass and finds her very sexually attractive though he would never say that to her nor would he show it. Finds her to be very weak in emotions and that is annoys him a lot. Regardless he finds her useful and keeps a very gentlemanish exterior around her.

Delin – Idiot….just a piece of trash.

Haxlia – The only one he considers a friend though technically they are best friends. He also had intimate relationship with her though it was only a one night stand. Both respect each others backgrounds in fighting though he believes he is far superior to her in every way. She is a future pawn for his own desires.

Kiki – His girlfriend, though has never actually told her he “loves” her due to some reason yet to be revealed. He is very protective of her because she reminds him of a ghost of his past named Lydia. He is attracted to her though he doesn’t tend to show it often as much as she does to him. There are a few years difference between them though he at times views her as very needy, clingy, and too outgoing for his tastes. She is just another puzzle piece in his ultimate game.

Kiiro – Weak rat since he has seen her though they have not met

Maura – Doesn’t give a damn

Raimundo – The trash that he is training for the war, he doesn’t consider him an actual “man” since he, to Xio, is feeble and weak and kisses other men (though not his choice). Since Rai is an electrical type, Xio believes in putting the hurt on him most as he trains him to become stronger. Rai is nothing more then a pawn and a student to Xio.

Mist – Acquaintance

Chandacy – One of his pupils and the one he finds to be the most irritating since she is very cocky and stubborn about things which pisses him off very often. Though he knows about her background, he finds her rather weak for what she has accomplish and expects far more from someone who he has figured out her weakness, Ewan.

Ewan – Another piece of trash and recognizes him as Chandacy’s weakness. He considers him to be worthless since he is merely an Eevee and nothing more. He views normal types are ants and dirt.

Hideki – A damn bimbo that needed training with hand to hand combat which pissed Xio off since Hideki should know how to fight since he is a fighting type. He was merely a pupil nothing more nothing less.

Lupe – An annoying rabbit that he tends to stay away do to her bossy and loud mannerisms. He thinks she is merely a conniving bitch and thinks she’s worthless.

Mia: Doesn't really trust her but notices Tanner's interest in her. She's a tease which keeps Xio interested but he never lets his guard down with her.

Fiona: Doesn't give a damn.

Gyen: Has not met

Clair: Has not met

Silas: Has not met

Aero: Has not met

Pelliccia: Has not met
