Movies and Stuff

I've been watching some movies lately since my little sister is out of the house so I can watch movies that I can't really watch with her. It's been awesome lately, she and my dad are out of the house right now so it's just my mom and me; the two quietest people. We've watched...four movies. Here they are:

Okay first, AWESOME movie. It defines mind-blowing. One of the best things about it is that it's original, Hollywood's having a real tough time doing that with all the remakes and book adaptations and sequels, it was refreshing to watch a movie that someone actually thought up for themselves. It was more than original, it was thinking out of the box, in another box, and out of that one, then around the corner, you get what I mean. Another thing about it, it's deep, you really have to pay attention and think, so if you don't want to do anything of the sort it's not for you. The twists in it were amazing and the story was both sad and engaging and the end will practically kill you (for those of you who have seen it already, please, talk with me about it). My advice? GO SEE IT!!!!

Another film directed by Christopher Nolan but this one came out a few years ago. The story is about two magicians that in a tragic accident the wife of one dies. Blaming the other one the magician sabotages the others act. During the duration of the film both are going after each other doing things to each other that just make you cringe. There's a HUGE twist at the end (that I kinda saw coming) that really brings it all together. It was a great movie and complex and imaginative story line but I just have two problems with it. First, the flashbacks get kinda confusing and it's hard to keep track who's reading what and who's dead and who's alive and stuff, you really have to think in this movie too. Second, IT'S VERY VERY CREEPY. Gotta warn ya, peoples fingers get chopped off twice, no three times. But the worst part is the end *shivers* with the tanks. So my review? Very good movie, but very creepy. I would highly recommend you keep small children from seeing it.

Okay so after those you get the R rated movies...

Very funny movie, very witty stuff, very R-rated. I loved the characters the most, with the badass Archie and very surprisingly the junkie (can't remember his name). The only problem I have with this movie was the THICK British accents. You'd think they were speaking a different language...

Now that was an awesome movie. I love (as in his work) Kevin Spacey now because of it. It's not a happy movie but it's so awesomely DEVIOUS. The end was very diabolical.

Yeah, those are the movies I saw (I know you're so intrested). In other news, well someone un-subscribed me and that really gets me. I don't know who it was or why but I feel like I've done something wrong. I'm sorry people but I've 90 people to keep up with and I'm trying as hard as I can.

My comic is coming along somewhat, if anyone wants to see the rough draft just ask, ecnelisterger is going to be in it and my new OC D-man. It's going to take awhile for me to Photoshop it and get all the kinks sorted but I'll try to get it up as soon as I can.

I'm also going to do some changes to this world, I'm going to put all my close friends link on and take off a whole lot of the useless personal info in the intro.

Mime comic, Gary Larson is a GENIUS!!
