tag response to foxfireburn!

1. I told you I was dying?- i would cry and draw u a picture that says ill remember u always!!

2. I developed an eating disorder?- i would tell u to eat cake and then describe my favorite deserts to u!

3. You found me bleeding on the ground?- well i've never seen u before but if i had and i saw u then id call 911 asap and try to stop the bleeding some how

4. I got mugged?- i hunt that person down and say... hey, you, you, you, uh, well im not sure yet.

5. I disappeared?- id be sad and then what would happen with the comic ur working on! lol

6. I killed myself?- i would sadly try to attend ur funeral service as much as that pains me to say.

7. I told you that you were my best friend?- awwwww. id say "reallyyyyyyyyyyyyyy?"

8. I called you and said I was lost?- um i would definitly call somebody other than myself for that cuz im horrible w/ directions. lol but really om not sure

9. I started using drugs/smoking/drinking?- id find a rehab place for u and pm u til you went

10. You found out I lied to you.- id be sad but it all depends on how bad the lie is

11. You found out I was lied to you for your own good?- id be okay if its for my own good

12. You found out I was inflicting self-pain?- i dont kno but id think of a way to make u not do that of course!

13. I got depressed?- i make you happy pictures and get u some happy pills ( jk on that last part)

14. I confessed my deepest secret to you?- ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh woweeee! id keep it for sureeeeeee

15. You found out I was keeping something from you?- um well, idk for now

16. I told you I wasn't allowed to talk to you anymore?- id be really sad cuz ur cool to talk to!

17. I died in some horrible accident?- id be super sad and id tell everyone i know to remember u as a super amazing person!

18. I was kidnapped and held for ransom?- well im sorta broke but id figure something out cuz im good like that

19. If you saw someone holding a gun to my head?- freeze, uh, then go crazy and make a disrtaction while running in a zig zag pattern

20. You found me crying on my bed?- id say its okay and then give a big hug! they make me feel better, so yeah

well there u have it! thanx again for tagging me!
