Sexy time!

Hey guys que pasa? I don't expect anyone to respond. I seriously don't even know how many of you out there are still "alive, and kicking." I've decided to refresh and renew myself and everything around moi. I've recently gone on a healthier lifestyle, most definitely. I'm trying to get a little more fit. Still no job, how sad...... I'm starting school this January, hopefully things get better. Still living here. I realized I am really addicted to video gaming..... lol I still hang out with friends and stuff but wow some of the stories they tell... Hmm and very artistic sometimes, they've inspired me to start drawing again... I haven't been watching to much tv or anime lately. So I want to check out what's new out there.

Keep a look out for my work, if you want that is. I should have the first drawing from the new ME by the end of this upcoming week.

P.S. My Wii broke. T_T
