World peace? is it really a good idea?

Yay i'm going on a camp for police rangers tommorow. ^-^ i'm really happy especialy because mum said i had to stay home to house sit because everyone else was going away that weekend to do fun stuff, but i got my ranger leader to talk to her and she's finally said i can go. I'm really looking forward to it ^-^

Wow i haven't posted much in here for a while, yoiu see i got a new journal and i've actually managed to write more than like three entries in it. Actually i've managed to write in it every day for over a month and i had to get another one because i filled it up. SO i haven't been typing as many posts on here because it feels like i'm repeating myself. But i'm gonna try to change that soon. Though mum hardly ever lets me on the computer anyway, so the only time i can post is at school T_T

Hmmm, so what to talk about.

I had this big disagreement with my mum earlier this week because i said i didn't belive in world peace. She was like "WTF? How can u not belive in peace? Is there somthing wrong with you?"
But seriously i don't think it's logical, it goes against our natural instincts against the instincts of every creature on this planet. Not to mention in order to get everyone to stop being agressive we'd have to remove part of the brain, the part that controls out fliht or fight instinct (medula oblegata?). And even if that happened, in order to keep a sustaniable population on this planet we'd have to kill at least 50% of the humans so that the rest could live in contentment. That's crule and who'd get to decide who lives and dies?!? Also i think it would be so boring to live in a utopia and it would take away the competition that drives humans to develop and improve. Don't get me wrong, i hate war, really hate war. But not because of war in itself, but because of all the inoccent people who get hurt by it. It two people have a dasagreement they should be dumped somewhere where they can't effect anyone else and left to sort it out, whatever that may involve. Expecting a species to change its biological makeup for immpossible ideals is stupid and crule. I think peace is over rated and i'm not sure about the rest of the people here but i find that the dark side of life gives everything more colour. It intreages me, and anyway i wan't to do forensic science lolz.

Wow i guess i did have something to say afterall 0.o

What do you guys think about world peace? Do you think it's a good idea? Why, why not?

by for now *hugs*
