The Anime List. Dun, dun, dun


1. Sesshomaru - Inuyasha

2. Zelman Clock - Black Blood Brothers

3. Inuyasha - Inuyasha

4. Bankotsu - Inuyasha

5. Rin - Inuyasha

6. Kotaro Mochizuki - Black Blood Brothers

7. Kisuke Urahara - Bleach

8. Jiro Mochizuki - Black Blood Brothers

9. L. Lawliet - Death Note

10. Jakotsu - Inuyasha

11. Yafuri Chao - Black Blood Brothers

12. Kogura - Inuyasha

13. Ren Ichimoku - Hell Girl

14. Mimiko Katsuragi - Black Blood Brothers

There are probably more characters, but i can't think of them at the moment.
I originally had a list that included both book and anime, but i kept on getting confused about where to put characters in relation to other characters, as anime and books portray characters very differentialy, so i now have two lists though i reffer to both of them as "The List". So if you see my say such and such is a list character or so and so is on the list you now know what i mean.
Oh and please tell me who's on your list, it's cool to see how other people think ^-^
