Hi, everyone! Welcome to RaspberrySammich! My internet studio-away-from-home! My friends and fellow real-worlders, Battousai-chan & Zhen-chan, welcome you! Feel free to leave a comment, or question during you stay, K? This WORLD is dedicated to my hardworking friends, but mainly to the dedication of my art! If you want to leave requests or ideas, do so! I may not get to all of them, but I'll do my best! One thing...NO YAOI/YURI! Sorry, but that's the only thing. Well. Um...I think that's about it. I'll be adding more stuff in the future. Maybe even a disscussion board! :D Good evening to you all!


AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH! I GOT A TWITTER ACCOUNT AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!! It's not that bad, but I swore up and down that I wouldn't get one. Hypocrite *brick'd* Ahem, if anyone has an account, I am Razzcat. Add me if you'd like to chat or follow my incessant ramblings~! :D I'm such a social disease. lol

This is my avatar. Drew it myself, as you can see...OTL
