Naruto Chapter 469

Show of hands... how many of you are NaruHina fans?

How many of you nearly went into rage induced heart attacks come Naruto, Chapter 469?

The pink haired bitch must die.

Sharpen your pitch forks and keep your torches doused in oil.

We may soon march on Tokyo.


As you all know from one of my previous posts, Kishimoto has basically forgotten the little, tiny bit of NaruHina development we had- it went something along the lines of HINATA CONFESSING HER FOOKING FEELING TO NARUTO AND NEARLY DYING FOR HIM!!!!!.

Thus, I present the following rant.

WARNING: This rant is not suitable for overtly religious zealots who believe just speaking God's name will damn you to hell to get butt-raped by horny demons for all eternity.

And without further ado...

Why in the name of unholy Lucifer, holy baby Jesus Christ, storm driven Susanoo, firey Amaterasu, unearthly Tsukiyomi and every bijuu from lowly Ichibi no Shukaku to apocalyptic Kyuubi no Kitsune hasn't that blundering, imbecilic, absolutely naive baboon Uzumaki Naruto confronted Hinata yet!? By the names of every God, Demon, Angel and Devil from the unholy frozen waste of the Fourth Round of Hell's Ninth Circle, Judecca, to the Seventh Terrace of Prugatory, to Eden, even to the holyest Ninth Sphere of Heaven, Primum Mobile, if a girl gets stabbed defending me, if that girl proclaims her love for me and fights what is clearly a losing battle for the sake of defending me, the once, twice, nay, THRICE God damned thing I would do as soon as the smoke cleared, the moment the enemy was a corpse, the absolute SECOND I knew she was still alive, is go up to her and ask WHY!!!!!!!!!!! Confront her, you thrice damned spawn of a Hokage!!!!!!!


... Happy as I am with that development...

Why the fuck haven't we gotten any closure on this development!?!?

We have waited nearly 10 years, Kishimoto-san.

We will not wait much longer.

NaruHina Forever

Most of you head probably read chapter 437 of the Naruto Manga. The latest Chapter.

Hinata has finally confessed, and immmediately afterwards, dies(presumably).

I still feel the rage coursing through me. As far as I'm concerned, the entire franchise- and Kishimoto's life- is balanced on the edge of a knife. Pray for your soul, Masashi, if Hinata is not alive.

Recently, I have discovered the name of chapter 438... and I grinned. And laughed. Laughed for a long, lone time.

438. The Seal Breaks!! (封印破壊!! ,Fūin Hakai!!)

Just the mere thought of the fight to come... it brings a vicious, twisted smile to my face.

As far as I'm concerned... Pein... all of Konoha, maybe.... is about to End.



Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto.

There are many stories in the world… Stories of heroes, stories of unspeakable evil, stories of love, stories of hate… This, is the story of one man.

“I don’t give a damn! If that’s what it takes to save everyone, then I’ll do it!”

He was a man of great power. But a man nonetheless. He had but one love… And died because of it…

“I’m sorry, Hinata-chan… But I have no other choice.”

For his love, for his friends, for his family and village, he gave his life. He gave his very soul.

“You think I care whether I live or die? You think I care that my soul will be damned for all eternity? My life, my soul, means NOTHING compared to them!”

This man would slaughter men.

“Time to even the odds! Taijuu Kage Bunshin!”

This man would slay demons.

The serpent roared in pain, its eight heads thrashing in agony. “YOU INSOLENT MORTAL! I WILL HAVE YOUR SOUL!”

This man, with his last breath, would defy Gods.

“Yeah, I’m pretty beat up… But I still got one ace up the sleeve.”

There are many stories in the world… Stories of heroes, stories of unspeakable evil, stories of love, stories of hate… This, is the story of one man


This is the story of the Rokudaime Hokage.

A/N: Good idea? Shall I continue?
Taijuu Kage Bunshin (Mass Shadow Clone)
Fuuton: Rasneshuriken (Wind release: Spiraling shuriken.)
