I don't know what to put for the title.

So I'll just type what comes to mind first.

I didn't get a whole lot of sleep last night because there was a lot on my mind. I wondered about relationships, about mistakes I've made and basically where I am at right now in life. I wondered about what people value in relationships. Things like...companionship, trust, comfort, caring, a friend, or whatever.

Obviously this is different for each person and every person has different standards, but it really is unsettling to hear some people's wants in a partner. Looks, money, own a car, have connections to possible careers. In my head, I'm thinking "Whatever happened to dating someone because they were a geuninely nice person? What about the characteristics of ambition, trustworthiness, kindness, and just being there for a person?"

It slowly dawned on me that in the society that we live in now, the one that tends to view only results and not potential, that people tend to care only about what they see right in front of them. Nevermind, that you're a wonderful person that has a charming personality and can easily make friends if you don't have a job at the moment. You are a bum. Period.

Maybe it's just me and I'm being stupid. I don't know.
