Welcome to the World of Korey/Kaydirt.

I update randomly and in many cases not too often. But stick around. It might be more fun as we go along.

If you want to know who I am, then take some time to read my posts, you might learn a thing or two. Otherwise, either PM me or seek me in the Community Chat. I'm somewhere on here, lurking about.

Jai Ho!

Oh hey.

So, I've been lazy enough to not update in forever. But my life is really that boring that I don't have the content to update you duckies on. Afton and I celebrated our 1 year anniversary on the 11th of this month, and I finally got a job working for Abercrombie and Fitch. Unfortunately, the job kind of stinks since I have to call-in before certain shifts and they can tell me that they don't need me to help, which means no work that day. This is bad for someone who needs money for college expenses.

I got the boot off of my foot last week and it's been a breath of fresh air to be able to walk around on two feet again without medical assistance. Although I can't run and jump quite yet, it's been nice to walk around again.

I saw The Ugly Truth on Saturday with my family. It was really funny. Lots of potty humor and the storyline is very predictable, but it doesn't stop it from being very funny. I haven't seen a movie with Gerard Butler since 300, so you can imagine all of the Leonidas jokes that were made. Katherine Heigl plays a slightly different role in this one: A successful woman who has her world changed when she meets some uncouth schmuck and she falls in love with him after a long period of time and comedic episodes.


But anyways, c'est la vie.


So, You Want To Be A Pokemon Master?

I have deduced a guide for becoming a Pokemon master.

  • Break ties with everyone you know
  • Take a wimpy monster from an old man and do his research for him because he's too lazy to leave the same spot in his lab for the duration of the game. At least, until you win....
  • Beat up other people's monsters. Show no mercy in regards to type, level or gender. Play to win.
  • Training all of your monsters equally is for wussies who are too dumb to figure out that a level 85 Charizard will beat the entire game with four different moves.
  • Travel to other towns and beat up other people's monsters who reside in Gyms. That Geodude looked awfully pudgy when you fought it, so it's a good thing it's at a Gym.
  • Repels are like Bug Spray, except for Zubats.
  • Your rival will always beat you to the next Gym. Don't even bother.
  • Solve other people's problems, even if they have nothing to do with you. Obviously a stranger is more capable of solving a crisis than people in Cerulean City.
  • Whirlpools can be safely avoided by using a move called "Whirlpool". Same thing with climbing waterfalls.
  • Although it's called "Water Gun", the move does not involve a Super Soaker.
  • Nothing is "one-use" only. Just hit up your friendly neighborhood Missingo.
  • You can fly on any monster that can use "Fly", regardless of the size ratio between the trainer and the monster.
  • Rock monsters are impervious to Wind and Water erosion, even if they get hit by a giant tidal wave or a really strong "Water Gun"
  • "Normal" monsters are worthless. Go for the weird ones.
  • Psychic monsters > any other monster in the game.
  • Certain monsters evolve by adding two more monsters to themselves. Do not question this, as Pokemon evolution theory is strongly contested by theologists. God made Dugtrio in his image.
  • When you have all the monsters, you are automatically better than everyone else. Even if you have beaten everyone in the game.
  • No one will battle you twice. Their monsters are dead.
  • Peddling up the Bicycle path is torture. Just use Fly.
  • The St. Anne is never coming back. You got played.

Good Luck, Trainers! :)

I deny thee, age.

Why do I feel so old sometimes?

I'm only 20 years old and sometimes I feel like I've been on the Earth for longer than that. I have experienced a lot of things and most of them have been awesome. But I'm also at a point where I feel that I'm ready for the next stage in my life (career). I mean, I realize that college is certainly important, but I've had the training for the job I'm currently in for four years before I even hit college. So I'm at a point where I'm ahead of my colleagues. But I feel I could handle anything that someone puts in my path at this point.

My Fourth of July was pretty relaxing and I got to watch some great fireworks. We also played the music edition of that game, Catch Phrase. I was actually astounded by what I knew as far as music went. I did best in the nineties category, but I did pretty well in the 80s as well, although I only listen to select songs from that era. It was rather fun to play.

Also, I want to get this dang Boot off of my foot now. It's very annoying to have to put it on just to stand up or walk. I can't wait until the 21st.

Also, the last Underworld movie makes no sense to me. Can someone explain it to me?

My life is over!!!! *bawl bawl bawl*

Something has occurred to me....

Kids these days are the whiniest, most depressing, obnoxious, snot dribbling little duckies ever. I don't know if it's a reflection of our pessimistic society, or the fact that kids these days aren't taught any coping skills, but I'm frankly tired of the bawlfests that occur in the chatroom. I was taught from an early age how to deal with my problems in a safe and healthy manner. I may vent to someone, but that someone is ONE PERSONwhom I trust to give me solid advice and make me reflect upon the situation with their personal points of view. I don't bawl to a full chatroom of people about the most nonsensical drivel that is not the end of the world. Until you've truly had your heart broken/your soul ripped out from you/had a person die on you/, kindly:





Deal with your problems on your own or keep them private. I'm tired of hearing about them in the chat when I'm trying to socialize with others. Cry your rants out on Myspace/LiveJournal/WHATEVER. The chat is not your personal blog to rave about your shortcomings and hope to find a sympathetic ear. Call me heartless, call me cold, but I'm tired of you kids coming to the chat to bawl to the internet when you're lacking the skills to cope with the problem on your own. If you MUST complain to someone, make it a private chat, so I don't have to see it.

Here's my advice:

GF/BF broke up with you? Get over it.

Parents on your case? Get used to it.

Best friend and you had an arguement? Give them space.

Your bestest chat buddy not online? Grow up and stop freaking out.

Seriously kids, wtf?


Happy 20th Birthday!

Hi Everyone,

I hope you are all well. This is Iruka guest posting for Korey because, well, today is his special day, it's his 20th birthday so you all know what to do. :D I know he would appreciate it.

Happy Birthday Korey!