This is an ongoing story that will be written by me and my friends. Each of us will take turns writing a chapter from our characters point of view. We will also be posting other stuff that relates to the story. If you read anything in this world please comment, we're desperate for feed back. And if you have any sugestions, requests or question please feel free to message us. Thax i hope you enjoy this world. And please spread the word

Some info on demons

Most of this is gone over briefly in chapter one, but i'll go over it again in a little more detail here. There are three main classes of demons; Higher, Middle and Lower, With varying degrees of power within each class. All demons are name...

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Ok, here's some brief info on auras (in this series) It's not very detailed but will give some background info that will probably impact on later chapters. All intelligent beings (humans, higher and middle class demons and various other ani...

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Introducing, Valentina

Introducing, Valentina Valentina was fighting with her father, yet again. He caught her learning how to use her powers. She was Half Leopard Demon and her father, who was a full human, hated her for it. He despised the fact t...

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Chapter One: a powerful foe

Chapter one: A powerful foe. By VWBSZWAS. It was five years after her fathers death and Kit had grown use to a life of solitude. She found it easy to survive in the world despite her age and size, the lower class demons that were stu...

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Introducing, Kit

Introducing, Kit Part 1: A knock on the door The little girl sat in front of the fire place, drawing happily whilst waiting for her father to return. It was a scene that could be typical of any house-hold, if it weren’t ...

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