Thank you for your pretty offering, Indi-Cat. ;p

'Lo, mortal! Thou hath stumbled unto the realm of Ceiling Cat. Fear not, for she is merciful. Flee not, for she is kind. But know that if thou put forth thy foot into tomfoolery, thou shalt be Judged, and it shall be good. (For me. ;p)

But in all seriousness, this is my blog. I'm Kei, one of the News Editors for the site. I don't bite (hard), so don't be afraid to approach me. I'm actually quite tame.

MAL | K.R. Loves Anime

Theses are hard.


I'm sure that some of you remember me mentioning that I have to write a 25-page research paper for my senior sem class. Well, I've got my topic all picked out and it's amazing and everything (the adaptation of mythology in video games, for those who missed it), but I honestly don't know where to start. I've got the games that I want to do... But it's a lot harder to get things started than to actually finish it.

I suppose what I'll do is write on each of the games individually and stick them together at the end, then go back through it to make things consistent. Still seems a little daunting, but I'm sure I'll get it done. Wish me luck.

Well. Isn't this nifty.


I'm finally able to see VV (our internet cache doesn't resent until 5 a.m. on campus and I was a tired kitty last night). I must say, I am rather impressed with everything I've seen thus far. I'm still poking around and looking at things, but overall, I think it's safe to say that I'm liking it. I'm certainly happy that Fan Word is already getting some things into it (great job on that front, guys!).

So, yeah. VV gets the Kei Seal of Approval. Whoo.