This is my first rp book soooooooooo have fun ^^ Oh and if you have any other ideas please do not be shy just tell me and I'll try to make one as fast as I possibly can.


My name is Kay Winter.....Im 15 years old and i love music...and dancing a little. The only problem is Im blinded...It got hard for me to travel so they told me i was going to stay at the hospital... I love your music and movies a lot. I listen to your voice a lot. You were a famous actor and singer and you had a lot of fan girls. Most of them liked you for your looks and some liked your music. It had turned my birthday and a nurse had got your number. She called you for a birthday present. It sent her to voice mail
Nurse: Hello Mr.__ This is I was wondering if you could visit the hospital for a girl....Its her birthday today.If you get this message please call me back.
You got back from practice and you listened to the messenges. You had a fear of hospitals and the smell. You were't going to go but your best friend convinced you. When you arrived the nurse smiled with joy. She walks you to a room with a blue door and looks at you
Nurse: Now before you go in I have to tell you a few things You then..
(Male opening.
No one liners say meep for romance
tell me a little about your character and at least 3 or more lines)


You were a student from a weird school. They made you go and to a psycho prison for a project. You wanted a A on it so you went. The guards were by you making sure no one would try anything. You saw a me upside-down on the covers. I had tied the to the roof. I had light blue hair and a sailor's cap I also had a school uniform and some shorts on.
Guard: She's here because she killed the students at her school....And she almost killed her father. I grin twirling in the air gracefully. I look at you with a faint smirk. Have you come to play?
My voice was soft and gentle. The guards pointed their guns at me and I grin flipping off the covers and landing on my feet. I hold out my hand smiling at you.
Hi... I'm Kay Winter nice to meet yah. I blew a small bubble and pots it with my teeth.
Guards: She's worse than all of them I pout and holds the rail bars I wouldn't call myself bad....Just a nut case. I giggled softly and looks at you curiously. You...

(OK..So it could turn into a romance if you want or not..
1. No text talk please.
2. 3 or more lines.
3. have fun.
4. say psycho when you're ready.


~Imagine that was what the game was called. It was a survival fighting game that people from all around the world came to love and play. No one knew it was a trap.~

~A few years later they picked players randomly and we were forced out of our homes and into a boat. They said if we didn't play we'd get kicked off or shot in with the sharks. One person refused and they pushed him off. I looked away biting my lip in disgust. Women and men of all ages were on the boat. I was 15 I looked at the speaker quietly. He explained the game and smiled evilly. They handed backpacks to everyone and a bridge appeared. We were pushed on the island and no one made a peep. There lied weapons. Everyone walked around knowing the game didn't start yet. We were in the make your character sort of place. I walked around grabbing weapons and saw a beautiful sword. I walk towards it and reached my hand out to it. You were also gonna grab it. You were a professional assassin so you thought killing people would be easy. I looked up at you and blinked quietly.
Sorry.... I take my hand off the sword and walked passed you quietly before picking up 20 packs of knives. I put them in my over stuffed bag. I walked up to a guard and asked him for another bag calmly. He looked at me and gave me one. I started to walk around putting food and supplies I'll need for the journey. I see a drawing book. I picked it up. It was very rare to find it in the game. It allowed you to make whatever you created come to life. I put it in my bag along with art supplies. I look around. You then...

(It can be male or female to rp this.... Romance say meep.

Please no text talk and at least 3 or more lines.......

After reading all of this say Game Start!)


I was a girl who always spoke her mind. I was home schooled so I didn't know anyone my age. I worked at a bar where people would get drunk and throw up....or make out....and the girls acted stupid which made me annoyed. I was only 17 and I was very smart for my age. It was also a place were perverts would hang and flirt with people which made me cringe. You were a senior in high school and you and your buddies went into the bar to celebrate you a drawing contest. I was listening to music and eating a Popsicle when you guys came over and sat down. You looked at me for a minute and I looked up staring at you. Ok what can I get for you? I get your orders and I put the glass cups on the counter. I grab the ingredients and I reach up for the last bottle but I was too short to get it. You look at me and smirked faintly. Aren't you a little short to be tending a bar?
I look at you with a icy cool glaze and I grab it going to the counter. I start to make your drinks
Well... aren't you a bit old to come to these types of bars? I lift my eyebrow and looks at you. I finish your drinks and slides them to you Enjoy sir. I put my headphones on and sits in a chair listening to music and eating my Popsicle. You then.

(Answer these questions... Before continuing.
How old was I?
Why did you go in the club?
Did I go to school?
I'll do pps so if you want a romance say meep)
(Males opening at least 3 lines or more


I was sitting in a coffee shop waiting for my date. It had already gotten dark and there was a group on the other side of the booth. I sigh softly and stirred my coffee with my spoon. I knew that the guy stood up but I was still hopeful and would wait. I look out the window and leaned my head on my hand. I frown and looks down. You are also in the coffee shop with your friends. You were all playing truth or dare and your friend smirked playfully. He looked at you
Friend: I dare you to make her fall for you. Or at least get her number.
You: If I accept.
Friend: Then I'll give you 100 bucks and I'll do your homework for a week.
You: smirks faintly alright.....
I layed my head on the table closing my eyes. I wrap my arm around my head and sighed softly giving up. You stood up and you...

(Open to a male....
ummmmm....... at least 3 lines......and please no text talk...
If youve read all of this say coffee ^^)