Motocross in the blood

Hahaha so you all need to know somethin pretty cool.
I'm a motocross racer.
a GIRL motocross racer.
And that's something you dont see very much.
I've been racing since age 8, and its the best thing ive ever tried. But unfortunately, we all have bad days. and mine was horrible.

Well i was up for a big race in southern Pensylvannia, and so i went to go get in my boots and everything. So they called up our age (im in the advanced highschool boys league, kinda funny, huh?) and we pulled our bikes into our slots and started our engines. When the lights flashed green and the fence went down, i revved the engine and blew past guys that were at least 5 years older than me! It was a rush. I couldn't let go of the throttle as i whipped over tabletops and jumps that threw you at least 15 feet into the air!! Finally everyone began to catch up on the 3rd lap around the complicated track. I got towards a big jump and got ready to pass the two guys blocking me in on my right and left, when the one on the left stuck out his boot and kicked the side of my bike! We flew into the air and he kicked again. Unfortunately, my balance flailed, and my bike toppled to the ground and rolled over me twice. i could hear a sickening snap as i tried to break my fall with my right arm. the bike rolled onto the lower half of my body as i looked around at myself. my knee and right wrist were deformed, and the edges of everything were unnaturally bright. That was a sign of a concussion, as was that everything was really bright. Turns out, my head crashed on the ground first. I was lucky my neck didn't break.

And yes. It did hurt. After the race, the kid that kicked my bike was disqualified, and i got to knock him a good one in the jaw. That was the upside of the downside. I had plenty of bruises, and my bike was totaled. i got a new one later on after the injuries healed. You can't keep a racer from racing. its impossible.
