Rant, Advice, and a Nice Surprise~

Lately a couple of my friends and I have been discussing how quality in the O's wallpapers has been decreasing. It's not just because the masterminds and leaders are busy. There has been a big rise of people capturing a sceenshot, maybe changing the color, and calling it a wallpaper. Or people slap text on it. Sometimes it just comes out really sloppy.

Not long ago, there were many high-quality wallpapers every day. Now, it seems like we are lucky to get a few days like that in a month. It doesn't take me at least an hour to browse the wallpaper section anymore because I am taking in all the cool pieces and collecting some for my large collection. I have a LOT of favorites, but I don't have as many from recent months. That is sad.

I know that we all start creating art at different levels and I am NOT criticizing using screeshots. I started with them and STILL love using them. Not everyone can vector well and scans can be limiting. However, many of the artists seem content to stay on that level of wallpapers. Or they just upgrade to a few textures slapped on top. Keep trying to improve yourselves, fellow members of the O!

Be creative and keep watching your peers for ideas. You may not be able to pull them off yet, but you can play around and learn new things, heck, even surprise your peers that you could do a new trick. Discoveries like that are fun, guys. Go at it!


Now, I want to feature two wallpapers from my favorites that showed that improvement in my opinion, almost right after each other too. Both of these wallpapers stick out in their wallpaper collections and shocked me. Clean, high-quality and perfect for the mood they wanted to capture. We may be getting out of this rut already.

21Emmz12's Sun Doesn't Rise

Team Plasma's Warm Embrace

Great work you two!

Image because I am getting hooked on Fairy Tale
