May 31st '09, Sunday - 2:36 PM

Dear Nina,
*sighs* School tomorrow. Oh well. I woke up early and ate breakfast. Then my brother, my mother, and I watched two movies. We watched Whisper of the Heart and Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind. Wow. Two great Studio Ghibli films. I love thier movies!! I love Castle in the Sky, Spirited Away, Howl's Moving Castle, and Kiki's Delivery Service. *sighs* I LOVE THEIR MOVIES!! AHH!! My favorite is probably Spirited Away. The first one I ever watched was Kiki's Delivery Service. Haha. You should watch them if you haven't!!
And so, I've been reading my Manga too. Right now I keep switching from Chibi Vampire to Pichi Pichi Pitch. I don't want to finish Chibi Vampire too early. After this, I guess I'm just going to watch anouther movie with my brother then go biking. I have lots to do, but it's not important enough for me to mension. *sighs* I don't want to go to school tomorrow!!
Tagging myself:
1. I'm sweating right now.
2. It's hot wear I live, but I still wear pants.
3. It's too hot to run.
4. But I still continue to bike!
5. I love my bike.
6. I feel so free just riding it!
7. It's not really my bike, it's my mom's.
8. Maybe I can convince my mom to give it to me for good.
I'll take care of my bike if she does!

P.S. Typed on mom's computer.

Question & Answer:

Q: Do you wear glasses?
A: Nope. I don't wear contacts either. I think my vision is pretty good. :3

