March 16th '09, Monday - 7:20 PM

Dear Nina,
I think the heading is pretty much self explanatory. Yup. First day of MSA Testing. Since I typed a pretty long entry yesterday (it wasn't that long, compared to my Top List of Longest Entries) than usual, I'll just keep this one short and sweet. Okay. MSA TESTING! OMG! School was flipped upside down. The classes that I hate *cough* Social Studies *cough* were like only 30 minutes long, I was able to have a pretty fun time. We had MSA Testing for like 2-3 periods. It was hard for most people... including me. How do you find the area of a trapezoid? GRRZ. Well atleast they gave us a short break.
WE WENT TO THE LIBRARY! It was pretty fun today because it was the first time ever that the WHOLE FAMILY went together. Only once has my mom, my brother, and I went together. And the rest was my father, brother, and myself. But this time, the whole family! Yay! My mom also bought me a $2 Public Library bag. So sweet! I got Mamotte! Lollipop Volumes #3 and #4.
Tagging myself with Birthday facts:
1. Tomorrrow is my birthday *dies*
2. TOMORROW IS MY BIRTHDAY!!! *dies again*
3. I want 4 things for my birthday.
4. That includes a Barnes & Noble Gift Card, Unlimited Texting, a certain card, and Pizza Hut for dinner!
5. See? I'm not spoiled.
6. Fine. If I was still in Germany, I'd want more.
7. But since I'm already used to America's BORINGNESS, I just want a happy day.
8. Since when did I want a "HAPPY DAY"? When I was in Disney Land when I was 10 on my birthday in Paris, I STILL wasn't satisfied. GOSH!

Question & Answer:

Q: Why do you type such long tags?
A: I dunno. Habit? I got to break it! GRR!

