March 10th '09, Tuesday - 5:00 PM

Dear Nina,
What a sad day. Well I guess at school it was fun. At school, we did a play in Language Arts. And of course our team won because we were great actors! And I won the "Best Supporting Actress" award. YAY! At first, I was pretty nervous though. Heh. I started hearing things. HEHE! Umm.. but that wasn't really great after what happend yesterday.
Did you know that Bakugan is over? Well it's not OVER over. I mean I just watched the last episode yesterday. And it was pretty sad. I forgot to mension it. And guess what Cartoon Network does! THEY REPEAT IT FROM THE VERY BEGINNING. But... that last episode, ... why did the Bakugan have to go? AND ARE RUNO AND DAN DATING?!
Ummm. Yesterday was tragic. My grandma's dog died. *sniff* His name was PJ. I loved that dog. I mean, it's hard to believe. I STILL CAN'T BELIEVE IT! Oh my gosh. I can't. It seems like he was healthy well, days ago. And now, he died? I'm sorry but, I can't believe that. And you know what? I won't. PJ was an adorable dog. He was awesome. One of my favorite dogs ever. And... well.. I can still remember how he feels when he licks my cheek. I can't believe it. I feel like this is all a joke. But is it? I CAN'T STAND THIS! PJ...

This entry is in memory of PJ! I'll love you forever. Please be good in Doggy Heaven. We all love you! I'll miss you for ever and ever! I LOVE YOU! *cries*

P.S. Typed on mom's computer.

P.P.S. Yes, I went to the library yesterday. You can guess what I checked out. I'm not in the mood to tell...

Question & Answer:

Q: How did PJ die?
A: You know what? I don't really wanna talk about it. But I guess I can say that he died of a allergic reaction. Poor guy.

