February 26th '09, Thursday - 3:50 PM

Dear Nina,
OMG!! An extremely weird day at school today! The water went out! Yes, at my school! IT WENT OUT! Can you believe it? What type of school runs out of water like that?! Maybe the pipes were clogged. Well, they had to call in some people to bring in a water cooler and a little station where you can wash your hands with hand sanitizer. Hehe. It was funny though. Good thing I didn't have to go to the bathroom. Oh and today I got icecream! Yah! I did! For getting good grades! But still, WATER? Going out? AT SCHOOL?!
*sighs* Awww. I'm so upset. I just finished all 7 volumes of Kamichama Karin. I HATE IT WHEN I FINISH AN ANIME/MANGA! I CAN'T STAND IT! I want more Kamichama Karin... but I can't. I LOVED the first series. It was... amazing. I LOVED IT! Yesterday when we went to the library, I just got more Manga. I don't remember all of it though. *sighs again* The last volume of that Manga was amazing. I swear, I almost cried at some parts, and I was astonished on other parts. I was about to cry when I went to sleep becuase there is no more Kamichama Karin. Now that's something to cry about.
But you know what? There's anouther Kamichama Karin! A NEW SERIES!! It's called Kamichama Karin Chu. At first I thought I never seen it before, but after searching through Google, I found it! And yes, I think I've seen in at Barnes & Noble before. Though I don't think they have it at the library. *sighs again* Well the fact that there is still a sequel keeps me sain. :P

P.S. Typed on mom's computer yesterday and today (I'm not sure about the day before though).

Question & Answer:

Q: What's your favorite Manga:
A: Kamichama Karin, silly! I only mensioned it a thousand times!

