January 20th '09, Tuesday - 6:24 PM

Dear Nina,
What an absolutely amazing day! Do my days get better, or what? TODAY THERE WAS A 2 HOUR DELAY! OMG! It's not what I expected, cause I expected for school to be out the whole day, but I'm okay with going to school at 10:00 AM (missing a whole two hours)! So, I had to stay home by myself. At first, I was kind of sad and scared cause I hate staying home by myself in the dark. But when my parents left (8:00 AM), it was sunny! I opened all the windows and let the light come in. It was such a beautiful view, the sun and the glittery snow. How cheerful! The first hour, I watched the show I recorded yesterday at 10:00 PM (since it was so late, my mom didn't let me watch it). It's only one hour long. The second hour, I read my book (the one I have to finish before Friday). And when it was time to go, I just left with no problems. The only problem I had was that I left 10 minutes early and it was freezing outside, waiting for the bus. Boy, was that fun.
It was fun at school too. I love confusing days at school. Fortunatly, we had Language Arts and Algebra for 40 minutes instead of 50! And guess what? I GOT 100% on my test in Algebra! Only 5 people got 100% in my class! I knew I would get a good grade on that test. And I also I got a Late Homework pass! In Social Studies, we watched the thing about Barack Obama on TV. I kind of giggled a little bit when he messed up (or atleast I think he did) when he did the promise thing. Sorry, but I really don't know anything about it. But anyways, my teacher let us come during lunch to watch it in her classroom. HOW FUN! And when everyone else came back from lunch, we started on a Politician Activity! FUN FUN FUN! It was normal in Science though :P. There was no Unified Arts (Health) or P.E. today.
I'm still giving my brother those recorder lessons. My mom bought him this new recorder that came with a Beginner's book. And it really is handy. Oh, did I tell you? American Idol starts at 8:00 PM today! So back to that schedule! I should be done in 5 minutes, giving me only 25 minutes to take a shower (it takes me a while to get all cleaned up). And about an hour to read my book! Yay.

Question & Answer:

Q: You think school will be out tomorrow?
A: Nah. Don't think so. Sadly, it's not snowing. *sobs*

