December 29th '08, Monday - 9:28 PM

Dear Nina,
Okay I have to finish typing this entry in no later than 9:40 PM to catch a show on TV, so lets see if I can.
Today I stayed home. I'll be staying home this whole week probably. Both of my parents have to work and there's no school. Atleast this time, I get acually get paid for babysitting my brother by myself. You won't guess how much! $2.50 an hour. WOW! For me, that's alot. Mostly because we're alone from 7:30 AM to 3:30 PM. How long is that? Like umm... *caculates* 8 hours? That gives me $20! I'M RICH! Not really... but that's alot for me. Since my mom's going to stay home on Thursday and Friday I won't get paid. But atleast I'll be able to get money tomorrow and the next day. I'll end up with $60! AHHH! *dies*
Yes. I'm right on track. Right now it's 9:33 PM. I only have 7 minutes to type something to type about and type down the tags. Just to let you know, I've been typing lots of tags lately. I used to only use like one word that summarizes each topic. Now I go through the whole entry and read it. If you haven't noticed, look at like the first few entries of this journal, and the recent entries. Oh look! Now it's 9:34 PM!
Umm... what to talk about? What to talk about? Oh yeah! Today, when my parents got home, we played some card games. That's pretty much surprising because we pretty much don't do much activities that doesn't envolve movies, traveling, or vacation. Maybe sometimes we play a litle Ping-Pong, but we played card games. Card. Games. Yes, shocking. Anyway, we played some 'ol games like "Old Maid", "Go Fish", and some other ones my parents taught me. It was pretty fun. And it seemed like everyone enjoyed themselves.

Question & Answer:

Q: What time is it now?
A: 9:36 PM. Will I make it? NOW 9:37 PM!

