July 19th '08, Saturday - 6:56 AM

Dear Nina,
Trip to New York:

6:57 AM:
Hey guys!! I have to type this entry in less than 3 minutes or I'll get in trouble so sorry if I mispell any words. I found out that the bus will be leaving at 7:55 AM. We should get back around 10:00 PM, so my prediction was kind of right. Well, I'll see you guys later on. :D Here I come, NEW YORK!!

11:49 PM:
OMG. OMG. OMG. :O NEW YORK WAS SO COOL! Who cares if it took us 3 1/2 hours to get there? When we drove into New York on the bus, it looked so beautiful! When we got off, we first ate at a McDonald's for lunch, but this is not your ordinary everyday McDonald's. IT'S HUGE I TELL YOU, LIKE THE SIZE OF A STORE. Nobody would ever dream of a McDonald's that big.
Then we saw a Ripley's Believe It or Not! Museum and a Madame Tussauds Museum. We didn't get to go to either museums cause we only had 8 hours to explore the whole New York city! I know that sounds like alot of time, but sadly it's not. Anyways, the Ripley's Believe It or Not! Museum looked so cool in the outside so it must be amazing in the inside. There, the had things that you wound't be able to believe. If you've ever read any of the books (I have), you'll love to see the museums. The Madame Tussauds is so cool too! They have celebrities made out of wax, and they look so real. Just go to Photobucket and type in 'Madame Tussauds' and there will be pictures of people with celebrities, but remember, they aren't real! One would think that it's the real person but it's just wax. There's popular celebs like Miley Cyrus, Dwayne Johnson [The Rock], etc. I hope we could go to both museums next time we go to New York.
Next, we went on the Double Decker Tour bus. We got to sit on the top and go 'New York Site Seeing', like in the movies. We were so high we could touch the traffic light when it past us. It was nice to feel the wind cause it was so hot.
Then we got off the D.D.T.B. [Double Decker Tour Bus], and went into a Sanrio Store with adorable Hello Kitty things! I didn't buy anything cause everything in the store is over $15 and that's expensive.
Then we saw this apartment that costs 15 Million for one room. My dad said it's that expensive cause everyone wants to live in New York City (but not me, too much traffic).
We then went back on the D.D.T.B. and went to China Town! Everything was Chinese! There were Chinese Letters everywhere. There were alot of Asian people too! We didn't get to stop and walk around but atleast I got to see how it looked like (I wish it was Japanese Town).
Next we saw the waterfall under the Brooklyn Bridge. Since we were in manhattan, it was a good view. We didn't have time to see Lady Liberty or ride the Furry though, maybe next time.
On the D.D.T.B., there were Tour Guides. Yes, most of them sounded too enthusiastic, and too crazy. Our first Tour Guide, she kept laughing like crazy. She asked many Trivia Questions, and I was probably the only one on the bus to get most of them right. Our second Tour Guide was better. There was nothing I didn't like about him except the fact that he sweats alot (but I shouldn't blame him, it was hot). Our last Tour Guide was a guy again and we was my least favorite. I just didn't like him. The thing the Tour Guide people all had in common is that they're stict about standing on the bus. NEVER STAND ON THE BUS. They will yell at you until you sit down, no matter how old, or young you are. First, their laughing, next they're yelling at you. Very scary.
Well, on with the tour: New York City has alot of famous places, and places where famous people walked. We saw the "Broadway". OMG, IT WAS AWESOME!! Too bad a ticket costs $5,000 (I know, just for one ticket?).
I was planning to go to Barnes & Noble, right? I didn't though cause there were too many people, even at Borders. Oh well...
Then we saw the Empire State Building. We didn't go inside because the line is really long [notice I underlined 'really']. From the outside, it looked amazingly tall. Did you know that every year they have a race up the stairs? It's a contest called the Empire State Building Run Up? I never knew that until today. There are 1576 stairs, so I'm not sure if I'll be able to make it in less than an hour :P. Paul Crake broke the World Record in 2003 and his time was 09:33 [it took him 9 minutes and 33 seconds to run up all the stairs]. For women, the record is held by Andrea Mayr, who broke the record in 2006. Her time is 11:23 [it took her 11 minutes and 23 seconds to run up all the stairs].
Next we saw an American Girl store! It's so cute. When I was a little girl, my mom bought me an American Girl Doll that looked just like me. In the store, there were clothes for your American Girl, a Cafe, a Photobooth where you could take a picture of you and your American Girl doll to have it on a personal American Girl Magazine, a movie theater, a hair solon (for the dolls with messy hair, I need to go there), the Original American Girl Doll museum (I saw my doll there which now costs $105 dollars), and more.
Then we went to a M&M Factory! It was awesome! There were M&M's everywhere! Inside, there was a wall of M&M's (of course we bought some). There was M&M souvenirs, M&M sculptures, M&M jewelry, and vice versa. In the outside of the factory, there was a huge TV that advertised M&M's [like in movies].
Next we saw the Toys R Us. I know some Toys R Us are plain and boring, but this was different. Two words: Colorful and Huge. IT WAS HUGE! Here's the cool part: IT HAD A FERRIS WHEEL INSIDE [like in the movies too]! Since there was a long line, we didn't get to ride the Ferris Wheel, but we got to see all the toys. On the bottom floor there was Magic Tricks, a big corner with alot of Nintendo Games (there was even a place where you could play a huge DS the size of two TV's). On the second floor there was Hello Kitty things and a place that looked like Build-A-Bear Workshop. My favorite was the third floor. There was a Jerassic Park place and a robotic Dinosaur! It seemed more like a Amusement Park than a Toy Store. You could even still see the Ferris Wheel. On the left was the girl toys side. There were Barbie dolls, Bratz, etc. There was even a Barbie Castle, and you could go inside (I didn't though). There was a lady who was advertising a feature where you could give them your picture and be on the "Big Screen" for one day [yes, in front of the whole New York City]. I think that's cool but it's probably really expensive.
Last, the Times Square. My most favorite place in New York. Have you seen Heroes? If you have, do you remember when Hiro teleported to New York Times Square and said, "I LOVE NEW YORK!" Well I stood exactly where he did! ISN'T THAT COOL? My mom also took a picture of my brother and I while we said, "I LOVE NEW YORK" like Hiro did. Isn't that awesome?
Sadly, it was time for us to go at 7:00 PM cause the bus was leaving. I slept on the way back. We arrived back at home at 10:00 PM. I took a shower and ate dinner which took 1 hour. Then at 11:45 PM, I started typing this. It took me 1 hour and 45 minutes!! I hope I could go back to New York soon.

