July 18th '08, Friday - 9:30 PM

Dear Nina,
Hello Otakuites. I have alot to do. I CAN'T STAND THE PRESSURE *dies*!! I still have to submit my contest entries for mewmewlover55 (I think it's too late), Kachikamac, and FUNimation. *dies, dies, dies* I don't think I can last any longer. :[ I don't know if I can, but I'll try ['Try' Definition: Does best until death]. I know they gave me enough time and as usual, I procastinated. I already have the art done for 2 contests, but I'm not sure I'll be able to get them submited on time. Tomorrow I'm going to New York (we'll talk about that next) and I'll be there all day. I know I could have submit the art like way before the deadline but my scanner was broken. AHHHHHHHHHHH.
Have any of you watched Avatar: The Last Airbender? I used to be obsessed with it like Inuyasha and Pokémon, but then I stopped watching it. Why? Because it never showed on any of the anymore. But since it came back to Nickelodeon, it caught my attention again!! Tomorrow at 8:00 PM EST on Nickelodeon, they are going to show the Avatar: The Last Airbender movie! It's so exciting cause there's drama, action, and love. Will Katara pick Aang or Zuko (wow I sould like a crazy fangirl)? Will Aang use the Avatar State? And will Sokka ever learn any good jokes? (Why am I asking you all these questions?)
*unscrolls letter*
Dear Villagers,
Tomorrow I, Queen Kami, shall be going to New York and return at Nightfall. Of course I shall be typing an entry, as usal, but this entry shall be different, or should I say, special. Now let me explain the entry for tomorrow: There shall be 2 parts. The first part shall be typed in the morning, and I'll be telling you the news so far. And last, but not least, the second part. This part will be at precisely at 11:00 PM and I will tell you about the trip to New York. Remember, this is a magical trip across the unknown land. If I perish, I'll leave the kingdom to my close friends, Princess Nami and Kachi. But I'm positive that I shall live through the evil knights and fire-breathing dragons. Farewell my Kingdom.

-Queen Kami
Ugh, too much "shall"'s. Well, C-ya then.

Ask Kami:

Q: TwoFacedLullaby - What's one thing that you haven't yet revealed about you that you haven't told anyone else on theO?
A: Hmmm, awesome question! I don't know... I've always wanted everyone's approval? I always feel bad if atleast one person tells me I'm not good enough. I really should know that I'm good in the inside :]

