September 2nd '09, Wednesday - 10:20 PM

Dear Nina,
Okies!! Gotta make a quick entry, but I don't think it's possible, knowing that I've been typing very detailed entries lately. So I woke up early and watched some "How To" Videos for your hair. Then I did that for about an hour and then got dressed. I couldn't pick something at first so I waisted time doing that. Then my parents and my brother left. Then I fixed my hair up and it ended up looking REALLY bad, but since I only had 10 minutes left, I had to brush my teeth and then fix my hair. Then I rushed and rushed and got a cereal bar and ate it really fast. Then I made sure I looked good and left. Wow! I did that all so fast! Then on the bus stop, some girl's dad came with her dog! It's so cute! Then I went to school. I sat silent during homeroom. Then during Tech Ed, I did my Algebra and Language Arts homework. Then we went to P.E. We finally got to use our lockers from last year, and this paper I let Aisha and Ariana sign was still in my locker. MEMORIES!! *sobs* Then the whole class just sat on the stage and talked. It stunk though. Betsy and I talked the whole period. And... yeah. Then we had Science. We had a test and I was suppose to study for it, but had no time to. But it ended up being easy. REALLY EASY! Then we did a "Mixing Colors" lab. That was fun. Then I did most of the math work. Hmph. Then we went to Social Studies. There, we read then went to lunch. During lunch, I just got all crazy at first, then calmed down. Boring lunch. Then we went back and turned in our essays then did some bookwork. It seems like I'm ahead of everyone so far!
Then we went to Algebra. There, we just did some work. We got only 3 questions for homework. YES! Then I had Language Arts. We just read a story and then talked. Boring as well. Then I rode the bus home. I got to sit by myself and not with two other girls! Then when I got home, I cleaned the mess I made this morning, had a snack, and just went on the computer, looking at AMV's. Then my dad and brother came home and I went upstairs to watch the AMV's in my brother's bedroom. Then I was called down to help my dad on the deck. It was chilly again! My dad just wanted to hang this circle thing on the roof. And we did that. It took a while too. And we listened to music too. We even talked to some neighbors. Then the power went out. I could hear our neighbors complaining. It wasn't even raining! Then my brother complained. Then it went back on like 10 minutes later.
My dad and I then finished it! I even got to go on the ladder! YAY! FUN! Then we listened to music again and I played with the screwdriver and drill. Then I got some paper and drew. My dad watched me. I'm getting better! Then my mom came home. And then I went inside and practiced my kicking. Then, my dad made me some Pita-Mayon! YUMMY!! It's his own secret recipe. I gave it it's name. MMM! It was so good! Then we watched this show while I ate it. Then I practiced my kicking for a while again. Then when my dad finished taking a shower, I took a shower. Then I talked to my mom and dad. That was also fun. Then I went upstairs and watched more videos. Then just like a few minutes ago, this team I wanted to stay, left. And that upsetted me. So now I don't want to watch the show. I've never felt like this before. I REALLY WANTED THEM TO STAY! UGH!!

Question & Answer:

Q: How long did it take you to type this?
A: Umm... 16 minutes.

