Anime and Art

Yeah, real clever title, I know.

The Anime:

So, I was hanging out with some people and we previewed a couple anime series. The first was One-Punch Man, which I had been wanting to see. Now that I get the set-up, I hope it's not going to be a one-note sort of anime.

The second series I previewed was The Devil Is a Part-Timer. Honestly, I wasn't sure what to expect, since I didn't know much about it. Turned out that it's really funny. I think I might want to watch more.

The Art:

I actually completed a drawing! Well, what do ya know? I still have it in me.

Since I'm in such a drawing mood right now, I was thinking about OCtober. I'm a bit hesitant because (a) I don't have enough OCs and (b) I might fall behind. I mean, I have a lot of time on my hands now, but who knows when that'll change?

Another thing I'm debating about is art trades. I'd like to do some, but those can have so many variables to them.

So... thoughts?
