Websites, Websites, Websites

Let's talk Tumblr for a bit. My main blog is a little dead. I post stuff now and again, but all of it is original content. I want it to be semi-professional, but I hear that nothing stays professional on Tumblr. Should I alter my main blog to make it all crazy and fangirly? Should I make a side blog for my "professional" stuff? Or should I keep my blog as it is and make the side blog all crazy and fangirly?

I was going to say some other stuff about sites, but it's totally slipping my mind right now. This post may be amended, possibly under a different title.

Update/edit thing: I think I remembered what I wanted to say. It's about Hulu. Apparently you can have a free trial once a year. I just found that out today. Guess who's set for watching anime this month? *Gestures toward self.*
