Nobody Knows

Nobody Knows
Do you know yourself well? Do your friends know you well? Do your parents know you well? Maybe yes but not at all though. For some reason, nobody really knows who you are. You know all of your secrets your likes and your hobby but do you know your own values and traits? Not all of your traits can be identified by yourself. Your friends know you because of your usual moves, the way you speak, the emotions you might do, and some of your secrets but do they know the real you? Have they seen the dark side of your personality? Do they know the bad things you’ve done from the past? And the answer is no, not at all. Like they said, “If you’re a true and good friend, you don’t have to learn and to know everything about your friend cause like yourself, they have difficulties.” Well that’s what I heard and that could be true. Your friends know your traits, they could reveal the real you because they could see the real you who you don’t know, got it? How about your family? They know the secrets or some funny things you’ve done during your childhood. They knew the things you want and you hobby. I guess not all of it right? Well now, do they know about your first crush? Do they know all of your grades at school? Do they know what are you doing after work? Do they know all of your problems? I myself cannot tell them my problems so I add it. You see, nobody really knows who are we, the real us. Have you asked yourself, who am I for real? Nobody knows who we really are. If you believe to God, he is the one who knows us well.
