Hi there!

NickName:Jess or Shukaku
Likes:Getting into trouble, pizza, Music, Writing Stories, Friends, Naruto, Fruits Basket, Azumanga Daioh, Bo-bo-bo-bo-bo-bo-bo, Doing whatever I want, and other anime.
Dislikes:Being told what to do, Math, annoying things
Anime Family:Sasori(Father), Karura(Mother), Naara(Older Brother, Mallificent*cough*Mallie(Evil Older Twin sis), Deidara(Uncle), Yashamaru(Step Uncle)
Clubs I belong to:SSJ Ninja Club-As Shukaku~Genin, Teh Biju Club-As Shukaku~Co Leader, and The Naruto Main Club-As Gaara
What I'm doing right now:Writing!^_^
My TheO buddys(It's a long list, so I'll name like five of them):Cate/Deiara/Kyuubi(DeidaraNarutoClan), Marcus(Markus wolfe), Keith/Isonade/Itachi(kiba inuzuka5), Raijuu/solange(vdr-07), Kiki/Misa(leeluver1)

Click here if you want Shukaku-Sensai to do something(That also means you, Kyuubi!

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~Drunk Shukaku

Oc Couple Meme

Cate and I made this one^^

Pick an OC couple and who do they belong to
1.)Jessica of The Sand- Female (SandLover13)
2.)Taro Chikumo- Male (DeidaraNarutoClan)

If any OC from another user is part of the couple, let the owner take this meme also. Answer truthfully to only YOUR answers, not someone elses'.

A.)Okay what your name?
Jessica of The Sand

B.)Who are you dating?
*blushes* Taro Chikumo

C.)What nickname do you call him/her?
Either Taro-kun or Big Boy

D.)What nickname does s/he call you?

E.)What do you like about him/her?
Everything! He's handsome and kind^^

F.)What kind of personality does s/he have?
He's bi-polar so he's not afraid to cry. He's unusual in a good way and he is sometimes bloodthristy. Me like.

G.)Does your date/mate have any pets?
Do Spiders count?

H.)What is one thing that your date likes about you?
My sweetness. I mean literal and non-literal. I spoil him too much plus I even TASTE sweet.

I.)Who do think wears the pants in the relationship?
I think Taro. He's older and has good advice. He's always their to comfort me and I'm submissive and shy when I'm around him^^

J.)What do you do while you're together?
I spoil him by letting him drink my blood and/or I give him sake. He grows very big and he rapes me. Since we both like it, it's not really rape. We either cuddle, have "fun", or destroy villages.^^

K.)Has your relationship affected your life? How so?
It does because I when I feel upset or useless, I remember Taro's words and he helps me to become a better ninja.

L.)Do you see yourself with them in the future?
Look, just because I sometimes see the future doesn't mean anything. But I think I can see each other in Shippuden.

M.)Does anyone you know object to your relationship?
I dunno. Some people think we're crazy... I would have to ask them...

N.)Have people been affecting your relationship so far? How so?
Well since Sensei is with Yuri and Gaara is just my friend now, I don't see my friends messing with my Taro and I. Except for Sasuke... He keeps asking me out...-_-'

O.)What do you think s/he would get you for an anniversary present?
I dunno... Anything I like I guess.

P.)If you separated, what would the reason have been?
If we were to seperate, I think Taro would do it because he would want to protect me.

Q.)What is the image of a perfect date to you?
What we do only every night.

R.)What will you do if the one you love found someone else?
Check below for my answer...

S.)If another girl/boy loves your date and diss' you for your date, how would you react?
I will kill them, I will crush them, I WILL EAT THEIR GUTS IF THEY STEAL MY TARO-KUN!!!

T.)What do you think about the two creators that brung you and your love together?
*hugs Cate and me* Thank you so much!^^

Now tag someone!^^
I tag Taro-Kun before he gets too big.^^ And by the way, what's your favorite color?
Me: Zip it!
Jess: ^^'


Jess' Meme

Your OC (made-up) Character


1) What's your character's name?
Jessica of the Sand

2) How old is he/she?
She's 15 now.

3) Is your OC a boy or girl?
a girl...

4) What's his/her race?
Human.... I think


1) If this character were to suddenly become part of the 3D world, and ended up in a heavily-populated area, how many stares would he/she get?
Not that much but when she talks, everyone stares

2) Is your character considered normal in his/her own world?

3) What would be his/her most recognizable feature(s)?
Her Purple hair

4) Would you consider your OC as attractive?
She seems attractive to most boys but when it's from a specific village, she's considered ugly...


1) Temper?
She is mostly happy, but when she is mad, all hell breaks loose

2) Does your character ever get depressed?
*nods* Sometimes

3) Leader or Follower?
Leader. But when she's with Taro or Gaara, she's a follower

4) What is the main aspect of his/her personality?
Sweet and unusual


1) Did your OC have a family of any sort? If so, are they still alive?
She did, but most of them either died or turned to the evil side...

2) Is your character out on his/her own? If so, why?
Mostly... She either stays with her sensei, at her friends, or with Taro

3) Has he/she encountered any traumatizing events?
Yes, she has.... No comment

4) What was probably the best time in his/her life so far?
Kissing Taro and actually being appreciated.


1) Single?
She didn't marry yet but she has boyfriends

2) Has your OC developed any romantic relationships?
Taro Chikumo. They get drunk, eat, have "fun", grow, and destroy towns by being cannibal and breaking houses.^^

3) Virgin?
Jess: I dunno what that means... Hybrid said I was infertile though...

4) Does your character like flirting?
A lot. She does it on purpose though to get attention


1) What animal would you associate your OC with?
Either a dog or a tanuki

2) Musical Instrument?
A harp or anything actually

3) Element?
Is phsycic an element?

4) Planet?


1) Is your character wanted for anything?
A lot of things...

2) What are three weaknesses in him/her?
-Always lose to Gaara, Taro, and Shukaku
-Her cursemark

3) Strengths?

4) Does your OC drink or smoke (ect.)?
Not a smoker... She drinks sometimes though

5) What's one quirk about him/her?
It's like anything she feeds or touches is either very big or has a full stomach

6) Does your character have any phobias?
A lot that a few don't know

7) What could you do to get him/her into a blind rage?
Threatnen a child, hurt her friends, or just rip her writing

8) Does your OC like chickens?


What would you consider your relationship with your character to be like?
Like a counterpart.^^


Sunday- P***ed off

Just mad for many reasons unknown. To calm me down, I'm taking this memo:

Oc Meme
If you do Chose 10 of your OC's. Or ten of your favorite people. (Like friends, family, celebreties. Anyone you think is cool.) But you can't choose yourself.

1: Catastrophe (Impailed calico cat)
2: Naara (Perverted Akatsuki member)
3: Spits (half bat half spider)
4: Maggie (Mismagius gijinka)
5: Akane (Nobody)
6: Worm (Cat)
7: Dark (The Raven)
8: Louie (Yellow Bat)
9: Jess (An unusual girl)
10: Moogie (anorexic sack of bugs)

1) 4(Maggie) invites 3(Spits) and 8(Louie) to dinner at her house. What happens?
Spits and Louie would be mad...
Spits: Why did you capture us!?
Louie: Yeah, we have dates you know!
Maggie: You will not leave until you eat *holds some spicy berries*

2) 9(Jess) tries to get 5(Akane) to go to a strip club.
Akane would be suprised at Jess' reactions
Akane: Wow, you turned out not bad, New Jess.^^
Jess: *blushes*

3) You need to stay at a friend’s house for the night. Do you choose 1(Catastrophe) or 6(Worm)?
Worm because:
Me: *gets licked by Reo* Heehee, Reo down boy, down!^^
Reo: Me like you for making Special Chew^^
Worm: *trying to seduce Malady but Shiloh bites his tail* ouch!

4) 2(Naara) and 7(Dark) are making out. 10(Moogie) walks in...His reaction?
Moogie would just... Uhhh...
Dark: *tricking Naara to kiss him by trying to hold Deiara hostage*
Moogie: *just stares* O_o *screams then falls down*
Naara: *realizes what he's doing and falls down as well*

5) 3(Spits) falls in love with 6(Worm). 8(Louie) is jealous. What happens?
... Are You gay?!?
Spits: *fighting with Naara*
Louie: *waiting for Ria to call him*
Worm: *is napping*

6) 4(Maggie) jumps you in a dark alleyway. Who comes to your rescue? 10(Moogie), 2(Naara) or 7(Dark)?
Naara is more like that kind of person
Naara: *gaara's voice* Fight her again and I'll kill you....
Maggie: O.O
Me: You just wanted to see Deiara didn't you?-_-'
Naara: Yep^^

7) 1(Catastrophe) decides to start a cooking show. 15 minutes later what is happening?
Chaos happens...
KitKat: *her tail is burning* Yahhhh!

8) 5(Akane) is in a car crash and is critically injured. What does 9(Jess) do?
Considering Jess, she'd blackmail Akane til Akane threatens Jess, Jess would cry and heal Akane, then Taro would get P*ssed...
Akane: O_o *just listening to Taro cussing*
Jess: *being hugged by the Giant Taro*

9) 3(Spits) has to marry either 8(Louie), 4(Maggie) or 9(Jess). Who do they chose?
None of them... Spits and Naara would come to put the ribbon on Deiara, Louie would just be making out with Ria, Maggie would just go to her home and dance, and Jess would drag Taro away to spoil him again and go have "fun"...
Deiara: O_o
*both boys put the ribbon with the bell on Deiara at the same time*
Naara: Damn it you spider freak! She's mine!
Spits: She's mine you perverted idiot!

10) 7(Dark) kidnaps 2(Naara) and demands something from 5(Akane) for 2's(Naara's) release. What is it?
Dark would ask for an Edgar Allan Poe book
Dark: Give it to me already!
Akane: -_-' *throws the big book of EAP at Dark*
Dark: OW!

11) You get to meet either 1(Catastrophe) or 6(Worm). Who do you chose?
Either is fine. Worm has Reo and Catastrophe has Scratch
KitKat: *sees Scratch eating the sharks* Umm sweetie, don't do that please?

12) 10(Moogie) challenges 4(Maggie) to a chariot race. Why?
I duuno
Moogie: I'm bored -_-'
Maggie: *grabs a knife and points it towards Moogie*
Moogie: O_o

13) Everyone gangs up on 3(Spits). Does 3(Spits) have a chance in hell?
He's a;ready in helll
Spits: *takes off glasses and holds up many weapons* You're lucky?

14) Everyone is invited to 2(Naara) and 10's(Moogie's) wedding except for 8(Louie). How do they react?
Everyone would be p***ed...
Everyone: You are all sick...

15) Why is 6(Worm) afraid of 7(Dark)?
Because 7 made Loe bleed and is trying to hurt Malady
Worm and Dark: *tackles each other*

16) 10(Moogie) gathers everyone around to tell them a fairy tale. How does it go?
... Well it's a horror story actually.
Moogie: This story is called the legend of Bunnywoman's Bridge ^^
Everyone: Oh... that doesn't sound so bad...
*a few hours later*
Moogie: And that's why you should never hug a mother bunny in Bunnyman's bridge ^^
Everyone: O_O Holy s***!

17) 1(KitKat) arrives late for 2(Naara) and 10's(Moogie's) wedding. What happens? And why are they late?
It's kinda obvious...
KitKat: Scratch, what did I tell you about destroying Jack's house?
Scratch: But mama, Zero keeps chasing me...
KitKat: *glaring*
Scratch: All right *stops*

18) 5(Akane) and 9(Jess) get roaring drunk and end up at your house. What happens?
Jess would be like Rock Lee being drunk and she'll go cannibal, destroy property and inviting Taro. Akane would do her thing with Xait.
Me: *has a headache and is mad that Taro and Jess destroyed the city since the couple is huge* Out!
Jess: *pinned down by Taro and had just eaten Hitachi again* But I wanna *hic* keep going...
Akane: *is naked* WOOULD YOU ALL *hic* SHUT THE F*** UP!?! Frost boy and I are making out... *hic*

19) 3(Spits), 8(Louie), 6(Worm) and 4(Maggie) all go to the zoo for 8's(Louie's) birthday party. How does it go? What presents do they get 8(Haru)?
Everyone just leaves and Louie has Ria for his birthday present^^
Louie: *blushes and faints*

20) Everyone gets together and start protesting something outside of your house. What are they protesting? What do you do?
They would be ranting that they canceled Naruto... They would try to kidnap Hollywood. I would just be doing homework...-_-

21) 9(Jess) murders 2's(Naara's) best friend. What does 2(Naara) do to get back at them?
Naara would just stare at his sister...
Jess: Nothing! I just ate douchebag for her! C'mon!!!

22) 6(Worm) and 1(KitKat) are in mortal danger. Only one of them can survive. Does 6(Tetsu) save themself or 1(Kaleen)?
Worm would save KitKat for unknown reasons...
KitKat: I'm single...
Worm: And I'm not for sale...
KitKat: Touche

23) Which one of them is most likely to fail at life?
... Worm... because he lives inside of a big red dog and is perverted...no comment

24) 5(Akane) is trapped in a cave. 10(Moogie) comes to rescue them. What happens?
Not really anything...
Akane: Hey your my sensei's bro. Can you help me?
Moogie: With that "thing" you did to Tai? hell no!
Akane: T.T

25) 3(Spits) starts a day camp. What happens?
He'd give up half way through...
Spits: Children squish me...

26) 4(Maggie), 6(Worm), and 7(Dark) are doing the Hokey-Pokey. 8(Louie) walks in. What happens?
It gets akward...
Louie: I went to hell...-_-'
Worm and Maggie: He started this! *points to Dark*

27) 1(KitKat) starts to write a fan-fiction where 9(Jess) and 10(Moogie) are going out. What is 2's(Naara's) reaction?
Naara wouldn't get it...
Naara: You are sick...
KitKat: Well sorry! I don't know how to spell Taro!!! *is a Cat and can't spell*
Naara: *sighs*

28) 7(Dark) makes an apple pie. Is it any good?
I don't think so...
Dark: *hands me an apple pie that's has legs and is running away growling*
Me: ... No thanks...
Apple Pie: So long, suckers!

29) 8(Louie) and 3(Spits) go camping. For some reason they forget to bring any food. What do they do?
Louie would have food. A lot of it...
Spits: your are a pig...
Louie: *eating a lot and doesn't hear Spits*

30) While they are camping, they run into The Blair Witch. What do they do? (If you haven't seen that movie pretend they ran into the Bogyman or something like that instead.)
Both: It's Bigfoot! *runs away*

31) The quiz is over. What does everyone go to do now?
Make out or do whatever


Kusa, KitKat, and Nybie's Quiz (Got tagged again)^^

1. You must choose only ONE of your OCs. Do it again if you wanna use another OC.
2. Your OC must answer every question as truthfully as possible.
3. Title the journal as "OCs Quiz (your OCs name)".
4. When you're done, tag as many people as you want.
5. Have fun!!!

1. Hi! What's your real name and nickname?
Kusa: It's Kusa Tokubetsu... I'm called K in some countries
KitKat: I'm Catastrophe but everyone calls me KitKat
Nybie: My name's Nicole Lovat, also known as Nybie

2. Interesting... what's your current age?
Kusa: Right now I'm 17
KitKat: Dunno I think 24?
Nybie: 14^^

3. Uh huh. What's your favorite food?
Kusa: Kitsune Soba (Soba noodles with bean turd in it)
KitKat: Chocolate
Nybie: Pasta

4. And your favorite drink?
Kusa: Water...
KitKat: Milk^^
Nybie: Apple Juice

5. Confession time! Who's your crush/lover?
Everyone: None

6. Aww! Have you two kissed yet?

7. Classic question! What's your favorite colour?
Kusa: Green
KitKat: Orange
Nybie: Black

8. Who's your favorite author?
Kusa: I read some of Kakashi's Make Out paradise... Shut up...
KitKat: Edgar Allan Poe... I know his cat^^
Nybie: Neil Gaiman

9. Now what's your biggest fear?
Kusa: Seeing Kakashi die
KitKat: Never seeing my babies again
Nybie: Almost getting killed

10. *stifles a giggle* I'm not laughing *bursts out laughing* Sorry. Any siblings?
Kusa: Only child
KitKat: Only Child...
Nybie: My twin brother Wybie.^^

11. Almost, it's only twenty questions. Who's your hero?
Kusa: Kakashi Hatake
KitKat: God
Nybie: Coraline

12. Ok, who is your worst enemy?
Kusa: The Samurai
KitKat: Cars
Nybie: The Beldam

13. What would you do if your hero and your worst enemy got together?
Kusa: O_o You make me sick...
KitKat: Agreed with Kusa, what's wrong with you all!?
Nybie: That's just wrong...

14. Interesting... what would you do if you met your creator?
Kusa: Ask her why I'm about to lose to a pink-haired neko boy...
KitKat: Thank her.
Nybie: We'll be friends/^^

15. Okay, I'll contact them right now. Done! Now, what do you want to be when you grow up?
Kusa: Part of the ANBU Black Ops
KitKat: I'm a cat and I'm dead, what do you think?
Nybie: I dunno, an apartment owner?

16. What's your worst nightmare?
Kusa: The Samurai taking over the world...
KitKat: Me can't find my babies anymore
Nybie: Having buttons sewn into my eyes

17. What's your lifelong dream?
Kusa: To have a real family...
KitKat: To find my children
Nybie: To go back to America

18. What would you do if your lifelong dream came true?
Kusa: I would be happy again...
KitKat: It just did...
Nybie: It just did too.^^

19. Ok, where's your favorite place to relax?
Kusa: Near grass plains...
KitKat: On roofs without any sharp objects
Nybie: America or Japan is nice

20. Last question! What do you spend most of your time doing?
Kusa: Watching the grass grow or reading
KitKat: Looking in alleys for my kids and food
Nybie: riding my bike or playing

21. We're done! Now tag whoever you want. DO IT
Kusa: Hybrid...
KitKat: Scratch
Nybie: This Bones character is interesting. Other than that, anyone can do this, I don't care.^^


Jess's Quiz (Got this From Cate)

lol tagged by Cate.^^

1. You must choose only ONE of your OCs. Do it again if you wanna use another OC.
2. Your OC must answer every question as truthfully as possible.
3. Title the journal as "OCs Quiz (your OCs name)".
4. When you're done, tag as many people as you want.
5. Have fun!!!

1. Hi! What's your real name and nickname?
My name Jessica!^^ and People call me either Jess or Jessy

2. Interesting... what's your current age?
I'm 15 years old.

3. Uh huh. What's your favorite food?
I like italian food, like pizza and pasta and stuff

4. And your favorite drink?
Fruit Juice is okay.

5. Confession time! Who's your crush/lover?
It's Taro.^/////^

6. Aww! Have you two kissed yet?
*smiles* Yeah, I really love him lots!

7. Classic question! What's your favorite colour?
Purple!!! Serioysly with this question over and over!!!!

8. Who's your favorite author?
I like all writer's

9. Now what's your biggest fear?
Tornados, dying, leeches, shall I go on?

10. *stifles a giggle* I'm not laughing *bursts out laughing* Sorry. Any siblings?
The only one that I know is a good sibling would be Naara.

11. Almost, it's only twenty questions. Who's your hero?
My sensei, Shukaku, even though he's a demon

12. Ok, who is your worst enemy?
Maleficent...I hate her being my twin...-_-

13. What would you do if your hero and your worst enemy got together?
O_o At first Shukaku liked her but when he saw me got beaten up, he fought the crap out of her...

14. Interesting... what would you do if you met your creator?
I'm her counter[art so of course we'll be friends

15. Okay, I'll contact them right now. Done! Now, what do you want to be when you grow up?
Other then a ninja, I want to be a writer.

16. What's your worst nightmare?
People dying in front of me and I can't do anything...

17. What's your lifelong dream?
I dunno. My first ever dream was only to make a friend....

18. What would you do if your lifelong dream came true?
It already did and I love it.^^

19. Ok, where's your favorite place to relax?
I like going to the library or a resteraunt..anything is fine...

20. Last question! What do you spend most of your time doing?
I play and write poetry and hang out.

21. We're done! Now tag whoever you want. DO IT
Whoever wants to do this, I really don't care...but I'll tag some of Cate's OC. *tags everyone she names* Ria, Taro, Tao, Faye, Aishi, Check, Chester, and Spence. But mostly Taro. *blushes*
