I just got done watching Cry (a dude on youtube under the name ChaoticMonki) play through a game called "To the Moon" (yes I am a Bro; I watch Pewdiepie on youtube as well *Bro Fist*)

Everyone was sayin that the game will make you cry, but I was not expecting to have a total melt down like I did; my sister thought I was nuts XD I was laughing and sobbing uncontrollably for a good 5 minutes. I really was just not prepared XD

The game is amazingly well written, the art is beautiful in it simplicity, the music is astounding, and the characters are so loveable. It’s basically a click game, but the dialogue and story are so engaging I can’t imagine anyone getting bored with it; it does cost money to download, but if you don’t feel like getting it, it’s just as fun to watch others play it on youtube, so check it out if you like.

Here’s where I watched: Cry Plays: To the Moon part 1 (there are 12 parts, each about 20 minutes or so O_o I sat there all day watching it; it was like a good book I couldn‘t put down)

I’m sure you could fine other people playing it, if you don’t like the commentary or something (if you like Pewdiepie, he has 5 parts up as of now).

I’m gonna go make my sister watch it now XD……T-T *gets the tissues* It was really only the last couple of parts that made me cry; the ending did me in completely, but the beginning is really humorous.
