2:00 a.m. Can't Sleep (for my entertaiment only)

1 - You must post these rules.
2 - Each person must post 10 things about themselves on their journal.
3 - Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post, then create ten new questions for the people you tag to answer.
4 - You have to choose 10 people to tag and post their icons on your journal.
5 - Go to their pages and tell them you have tagged her/him.
6 - No tag backs!!
7 - No crap in the tagging section about "you are tagged if you're reading this." You legitimately have to tag 10 people.

About me.
1. I was really allergic to milk as a kid (still can't drink milk, but I can eat a little ice cream XD)

2. My little sister and I share the same birthday (GHA! I Always have to share everything with her XD)

3. I love to hide and jump out and scare people

4. I have an unfounded paranoia about people poisioning my food XD (no reason, I'm just weird like that)

5. I like watching TV shows about the supernatural: aliens and finding bigfoot :D

6. I don't drink Dr. Pepper anymore, cuz aparently it's, "NOT FOR WOMEN!" (actually I had to stop drinking it cuz I had a stomach ulcer)

7. My first kiss was in kindergarden; a boy just randomly decided to kiss me. I cried cuz I though I was infected with cooties XD

8. I love ketchup, but I hate tomatoes

9. I have Vitiligo, but you can only tell I have it cuz I have a white strip of hair

10. I hate when I'm in a store and some old person stops asks, "Did you do that on purpose?"
I'm all like O_O huh? Did I do something wrong? So I say, "What?!"
And they say, "Your hair, did you dye it?"
And I smile and say, "No, its just like that naturally."
Then they're like, "Really, thats neat! You know people pay to get that done."
Then I say, "Yeah..." And then they smile and continue on their way.
They need to stop making think I've done something bad! T_T


1.What is your favorite color?
A. Orange, Green, Yellow, and a Purple-Grey color

2.What is the thing you like most about your art?
A. hmmm...can't say

3.Your friends?
A. Are all terrible, mean, sadistic people (Not you guys here on theO, I'm talking about....well, you all know who you are...I love you guys XD)

4.What is the thing you like the least about your art?
A. The lack of backgrounds, the anatomy of some of my people, hands, the way I color and alot of other stuff

5.What do you think you could improve more about it?

6.If you had a Superpower, what would it be?
A. I'd either want to beable to teleport anywhere I wanted to go, or I'd want the ability to change my size (become really small, and explore the new gigantic world that lay before me)

7.Zombies outside! Better suit up. What weapon do you first grab in your house?
A. AXE! and a cabinet door fashioned into a makeshift sheild!

8.What Pokemon would you be?
A. My sister says I'd be a Snubull XD

9.You suddenly turn into that Pokemon! What's your first reaction?
A. I don't care! I'm still gonna be the greatest pokemon master this world has ever seen! >XD

10.The world is at it's knees, and only you can save it.. What are your thoughts?
A. O_O What moron decided this?! TOO MUCH PRESSURE!!!! *cries*....
-_-' What do I have to do to save it?

I'm not tagging anyone, do it if you want.
