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Deviant Art



Colors 3D (art drawn on 3DS)

You may call me Sachi, or Iyami, or IyamiNaHamusutaa (if ya really wanna type)

Age: 24

Favorite Anime/Manga: Trigun, Beck, FLCL, Ghost Hunt, Strawberry Marshmallow, Azumanga Daioh, Sailor Moon, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, Ouran High School Host Club, Welcome to the NHK, Natsume Yujin-cho, Pandora Hearts, My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU, Yu Yu Hakusho & Cowboy Bebop.

Anime Watching: The Devil is a Part-Timer!, Pandora Hearts, My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU, Gargantia on the Verdurous Planet, Sword Art Online
Manga/Comic Reading: None
Games Playing: Pokemon White 2
Games I Want to Play: Animal Crossing New Leaf, POKEMON X/Y
Books Reading: None
TV Shows I Watch: Dead Like Me, Big Bang Theory, Top Gear, James May's Man Lab, Psych, Ancient Aliens, Through the Wormhole, The Universe, Family Guy, Bob's Burgers, Brain Games, My Cat From Hell, Elementry, Hannibal, Adventure Time, Merlin, Supernatural
Last Movie Saw in Theaters: The Hobbit

Bordom Post

Do you have any voicemails on your cellphone? IDK

How many times a day do you shower? a day.........?

When you wake up what's the first thing you do? look for my glasses

Do you play video games? yes

What's the last thing you bought at the store? school text book. $69!!!!!

How many states have you lived in? one

Are you a high school drop out? graduated already

Left handed or right handed? righty ^^ but I'm practicing with my left, just in case my right gets cut off

Look out the window, what do you see? my dad walking the dog

What is to your left? a broken printer

What was the last thing that made you laugh? a tv show

Who do you think will be a better mom Nicole Richie? Or Christina Aguilera? um....I really don't care at all really.....wait! I've got an answer! Who ever has the best nanny!!!!!

Do you read the newspaper? never

Can you cook? Somewhat

How many pets do you have? 6

Are you close with your parents? at times

How many best friends do you have? atleast 2

What are you doing tonight? draw, read, play pokemon diamond

What time is it? 5:44 pm

Can you make a dollar in change right now? no

Do you read gossip magazines? NEVER!!!!!!

Do you like to sing or dance in the shower? yeah

How do you like your eggs? hard boiled and colored (I only eat eggs on easter)

At McDonalds what do you usually order? a chicken sandwith

Are you a friendly person? depends, are you?

If you could change one thing about your life right now, what would it be? I'd like to go back to kindergarden with all the knowlege I know now and graduate by the time I'm 11.

If you could go back in time, where would you go? I'd rather go to the future!

Have you ever met a famous person? not really

Do you look like anyone famous? no not really

Have you ever done drugs? not really

Have you ever woke up and didn't know who the person was sleeping next to you? not really

Do you have a criminal record? I don get caught ^^

What really annoys you? feeling obligated to do something

What are you listening to? the tv in the back ground

Do you have a SocialSplash.com account? huh?

What's your favorite tv-show? I have many

What's your favorite color? orange, red and green

Who do you want to become the next president? who cares

Are you down with the clown? are you?

Do you listen to the radio? yes

Where you ever voted for prom queen/prom king? I didn't go to prom

Do you play any insturments? not well

What's the date today? Aug. 9th 2008

What are you looking forward to? the last question

When was the last time you were in a swimming pool? last month

When your in the shower, what's the first thing you wash? hair

Do you wear makeup? only on halloween

Where is the strangest place you've slept? kitchen table

How many colors have you dyed your hair? no colors

Do you howl on full moons? silently

Have you ever been hit on by somebody 10 years older than you? no.......

Happy Goat Day!!!!!! XD

Its a goat ^^

HI!!!!! Long time, Long Post ^^

I'm usually good at keeping up with posts, comments and fanart, but apparently not this week. I can't even do much now either cuz my parents are going to some concert and there gonna be gone most of the night (we need the phone line open, just incase of an emergency......we still have dial up) But atleast now I get to watch my anime with out interuption, maybe have a wild house party......AHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! There leaving in a few minutes, I'm sure I can pull something together.........nah, I'm just gonna watch MythBusters (tis shark week XD) and my anime. A quiet night at home ^^
well lets see...........

Its been a crazy week, my buddy was here one night till about 10:30, so I couldn't get on that day (we had fun playing with clay, and we were all crazy from lack of sleep XD).
Yeasterday I went to the library with one of my other friends. I helped him make an otaku ^^
Then today theres the concert..........I've really just been lazy ^^
I've been staying up real late (6:00 in the morning) and getting up at 4:00 in the afternoon.
I've been obessessed with playing pokemon (diamond). I WILL FINISH THAT STUPID POKEDEX!!!!!!!
*Sigh* And tomorrow I have to go down to the college and fix some crap. They say I have to pay for an AP english lab and I'm not taking AP engilsh and besides my soclarship should pay for that anyway! So frustrating! THEY WON'T RETURN MY CALLS!!!!!!

You know what I really wanna do, I wanna go roller skating XD I feel like falling flate on my face and scraping my knees ^^ I think I will........OMG GREAT IDEA!!!!! I'm gonna roller skate in the kitchen once they leave XD (I have those skates with the four weels, there hard to use).........

Anyway, My contest is comming to a close, you have to days to get your entries in. Aug. 4th people!

And I'll comment and stuff either tomorrow or monday, unless something horrible happens or I die ^^

This is KL (pronounced Kale)

This is the thing I made outta clay the other day.......His name is KL (stands for kitty Litter, cuz thats what the clay smelt like)

(LMAO My camera was being a pain in the ass so I just scanned him XD)

It took me 4 hours to make him (I had no idea what I was doing). He's cuter in real life, but still not as good as I wanted him to be. I'm gonna haveta practice more.......

Any way he has tooth picks holding him together.
I don't have a kiln to fire the clay in so he's not fired. I just coated him in glue and painted him. And his face is cracking -_-'

all well.............

OH! Dear God! Its EVERYWHERE!!!!!!

Ok! first off, my sister and I are taking turns, cuz we only have one computer, so I will comment on all your posties, and fanart tomorrow ^^

I also really wanna mess with this new gift feature! At least figure out how it works, but again, I'll have to wait till tomorrow. My sister was nice enough to let me upload a piece of fanart and make this post.

Ok I bet your wondering, whats everywhere? I spent 4 hours molding something outta clay (I'll show you once I'm done with it, its not as good as its supposed to be, but I'll just have to practice more.)

Yeah well, now clay dust is coating the rug in my room and floating in the air. Its all over my shirt, in my hair and all in my mouth(I tend to put the materials I'm working with in my mouth, when my hands are full)......LMAO ITS ON MY CAT TOO!!!!!

Now I haveta go clean everything! T-T

bye bye