Having troubles on what to create? I created this world for when we have those "writer's/artist's block" moments.
This world is for everyone, so everyone can post a song, poem, or whatever might spark another's imagination.

If you would like to be a guest poster, message me please!
Keep the creative flow going!

The Truth About Truth

First time posting something on here :D

So I've been reading a book called, Think on These Things by Krishnamurti, a philosopher in class. I really like the book and if you want to learn more click on these links:

Krisnhamurti's Bio

Think On These Things

Now for a quote:

"Truth is a pathless land."



It is truly a joy to prove people wrong by doing the "impossible". Not only that, but you have proven to yourself that you can do anything and everything. And that is the greatest truth.


"Time rushes fast, never stopping for anyone. We should make the most of our free time."
