Welcome to Infinity! This is where I'll write about my original characters and the world they live in. I'll show sketches/drawings of them here as well.

Note: This world is still under construction and it might be a bit unorganized at first.


Yay first post!

This is a chibi drawing I did this weekend of my original character (OC), Emily.

She's a big fan(girl) of Edward and Alphonse from Fullmetal Alchemist. She goes to Infinity High School. (where many of my OCs go to school XD ) She's the co-founder of the AVG club there. (Anime & Video Games Club)

I'll try to post another drawing of another character soon! ^w^ (along with a short description of them) After most of the main ones are introduced, I hope to post short comics with them.

Bye bye for now!
