0.o okay, weird! please tell me that this hasn't happened to me!

okay, i got my pokemon ranch for my wii yesterday. i was loading my pokemon to my ranch, and at that time i was working on my water pokemon box today (btw: i only had 100 out of 250 in my ranch, cause i work that fast. xD), and i selected to load the whole box. every pokemon went, cept for this bibarel of mine thats a level 18. so this time i click on it seprately to deposit it. it does the whole spin out of the box thing, but the it spins right back into the box. here what it said, "bibarel came back! it seems to be worried about you." thats what it said! im not lieing! 0n0 so please tell me that this hasn't happened to just me!
idk if this'll help, but here's some info about it.
mild nature, met jan.6, 2008, caught on route 208, met at level 18, good perseverance.
