Raphael et Sinclair

Name: Raphael et Sinclair
Age: somewhere over 500 (looks around 25)
Gender: Male
Height: 6'2
Hair: Blonde
Eyes; Bright Blue
Race: Angel
Element: Holy Light
Birth Place: ?
Special: He has one white wing and one black. The reason behind this is unknown as of now.

Personality: He is a confident man of infinite knowledge. He is kind and gentle, but the dark wing he possesses is unnerving. As though he is capable of a 'darker' side. He became a teacher only because he was asked by his good friend, the headmaster of the school Able. He owes him a favor from something in the past, also unknown.

Past: He is well over 500 years old. He is very wise and has witnessed many things in his life and yet there is close to no one who knows of his past. Therefore...it's almost a complete unknown...save for himself of course.

Kira: Hello there everyone! This is Raphael. He is one of the head teachers...so be careful not to get on his bad side! But know he doesn't play favorites either! Isn't that right Raph?

Raphael: Good Day to you all, what Miss Kira here says is true. I believe in hard work and preserverence. If you cannot survive in my class, then you are doomed in the real world.

Kira: OXO! Very proper and polite!! He called me "Miss"! Anyway! If you have any questions for Raph, he's taking them now! hehe.

(as for his hair and clothes...I will be drawing him...I can't explain it too well...you'll just have to wait and see! lol)
