No One

I woke up... a sudden blurr of vision...
Where am I? I thought.Who am I? And what am I doing here?
A noise came from the other side of the vast, dark room that I was in...
"Good morning," said the voice,"I am Axel. I saved you and have brought you here."
"Where is here exactly?" I asked.
"No where you need to know. Nor be concerned about," Axel replied,"But for now, rest, my sweet, for you will have a rough day tomorrow."
"Sweet?" I asked. "Do you know me?"
"I don't know your name, so for now, my precious No Name will suffice," Axel said as he went to close the door once more. "Good night, my precious No Name."
"Niketa," I said.
"What was that?" he asked.
"That is my name," I replied. "Niketa Makakura."
"Well then Goodnight, My dear Niketa."
And with that he left me... all alone to fall asleep in the vast emptyness of dreamland...

