This world will consist of randome stores
I come up withand Diary entrys from Griselda
who is a character in my story-in-progres Scarlet Kiss
The diary entres are from the thired part of the story,
wich will be maid into a fan manga.
Well enjoy my randomestores and randome diary entres.

Randome quiz i found


Who's the last person you talked to and what did you say?

Destiny, I dun wanna watch ur kids!!!!

Where are you?

Moms room, old comp

Look up. Now look back. What did you see?


What's the last thing you ate?


What's your personality like?

curious Random bitch crazy n hyper

Who do you have a crush on?

My gf

What was the last thing you thought?

BOOGA BOOGA BOOGA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Say "George Bush". What's the first thing that comes to your mind?

idiot. Should die. white trash hillbilly

You now have a million dollars. What do you do?

Get me some kingdom hearts shit, cosplay ,anime and mangas.

What are you eating/drinking right now?


What are you writing RIGHT NOW?

Typing thinking then pence and pensive have something to do with eachother.


1. Find a globe. Spin it. What does it say?

I dunno i dont gots a globe

2. Find a book. Turn to page 56, line 18, word 6. What does it say?

The evil ramen's trying to steal my taco wife

3. What can you hear right now?

a Pheniouse n Ferb cartoon

4. Have a conversation with the closest living thing to you other than yourself.

Hellow mr. roach...u go squish now.

5. Turn on the T.V. What show is on?

The news

6. Type your name with your elbow.


7. What happened last time you were typing here on this computer?

i was typing with my elbow

8. Stand up. Close your eyes. Spin around three times. Stop. Open your eyes. What's the first thing you see?

the floor.......... i fell down

9. If you could be anybody from Warriors who would you be?

wth is warriors?

10. Find the third letter of all your answers. Underline them. What do they spell?

i dunno im too lazy


I walked down the familiar path that I always went down to get back home from training. My heavydutty boots draggeg as I walked. I was tierd from my training. I yawned as I headed into my vilage. It was a very strickt place to live. We wern't even alloud to say our real names when in the presence of an oulander. It frustraited me because apperantly the elders punish everyone that break the rules. I even heared that they do it to small children even younger than me. I was ten years old an was forced into a labor camp because I 'showed sighns of disobidence'. They were right of coarce ut my rebelious nature grew with the oppreshion of the camp. I was released a few years ago and I am now living with my elder brother Takato A.K.A. Black mamba. We all had nicknames. mines is Long shot. I have very accurate aime. I can almost hit all my targets blindfolded now. I wnt insede my house and went to go wash off. I stripped and got into the shower. I was thinking of a way to get away from this stupid village as I scrubbed the dirt and grime from my tan body. I scrubbed my scalp and thought of spells that I could use to sneek by the villagers gaurding the exit/entrance to the village. I washed my hair an got out, thinking souly on the things I would take and the things I would leave. I dried myself off and got dressed then went into the kitchen. Takato had just gotten home. I smiled up at him. "Hey brother." I said. He smiled. "Hey shrimppy." he said. I pouted. "Meany." he chuckeled and started making dinner. I sat down and watched him make tacos. He fenished an gave me a plate. I scarfed it down then went upstairs. I started packing. when I was done I looked at the clock. it was almost midnight. I jumpped out the window clad in black. I ran to the ext of my village. So far so good. I hid in the trees watching the three men ganrding the exit. I gathered up energy then let out a spell that allowed me to release a giant fire dragon and it killed two of the men. the third one was able to get away. I cursed to myself and jumpped down. I pulled out i long sword and atttacked the man. He pulled one out as wekll and blocked me. I did everything I could but he was way higher up than me an a lot stronger and faster. He staved me in the leg then hit me in the head. i feal back dizzy. the man threw me over his shoulder and ran to the elders. he trew me on the elders cold tieled floor. I faintly heared people talking and I wasnt completly sure what was going on but I definitly heared yelling. I fealt emence cold hitting my body hard. they had threw water on me. th man ripped my shirt off and held me up by one arm then a diffrent guy by the other. I heared the crack of a whipe and faintly fealt the leather whip cut into my wet back. I healed back my scream but it soon escaped my mouth when it hit me again and again. Their was ten deagenel deep cuts across my back. the men threw me dow. "This is your punishment for trying to leave us Longshoot. do it again and it wont only be you but your preshiouse brother Blackmomba as well." one of the elders hissed. I was dragged away and thrown at my brothers front door.





Im back

Omg I'm sooooooooooooo bored. I'm on youtube ^^
I'm watching Charlie the unicorn!!!!!!!!
OMG!!!!! THE DOOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sneeky charly you gotta be sneeky...... oh my god it a wail!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm like supper bor-OH MY GOD IT'S ANOTHER WAIL!!!!!!! AHHH!!! WAIL OF
DEATH!!!!! Ok where was I...... OH well. hehe Charlei the unicorn iz funneh
Jack:Ring ring


Jack:Ring ring


Jack:Ring ring


Jack:Ring ring


Jack:Ring ring


Keith:Haha this iz entertaining

OMG THE DOOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Keith:Were bored and she's high off of candy.

Jade:God help me!!!!!!!!!! TT^TT

lol ok then!!!!!!!! I'm all done!!!!!! BYE-BYE PPLZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mwahahahahahahahah..............I pooted^-^

As my head line said
Muwahahahahahahahahahahahahah..............I pooted
OK so I'm bored and I have nothting better 2 do and
I'm in one of my happy mood's so yah........
I'm usualy in a depressed mood at this time but how
can I be depersed when I know all meh friednz r ok?
I'm just filled with joy......that is not a thing that
happenz ofte so......yah. I'm writtig a storeh and I have
it posted on meh other user name. It called Emo Biznich
just 2 let teh curious ppl know where 2 find meh storeh.
I warn u now it's kindda intens ans it's not so happy so
if u no like that king of storehz then don't go there.
lol^-^ I got one of meh classes mixed up and now I'm
sighned into a geomitry calss and an algebra class.
I'm funna end up gettign dropped......................
I ran out uf stuff 2 put........