PGR Relationship Guide: Aberius

I thought I would finally get around to doing this, too, so here goes =P


Relationship With PGR Members


- Lupe the Lopunny: Knows her as the leader of the mansion. Threw him to the front of the room during introductions at a meeting XD

- Estelle the Espeon: Met her briefly after first arriving. Thinks of her as a kind gentle gjinka

- Nyarth The Meowth: Is slightly deterred by him and his cuteness. Simply being around him would make his fur stand on end and make his skin itch and crawl (Abs doesn't do well with weirdly cute things...)

- Lux the Luxray: Sorta pegged as a rival, but was genuinely concerned about him when he ended up in the hospital. Could be space for friendship if Abs stops being stubborn.

- Xio the Dark Luxray: Enemy. Abs gets bad vibes from him and would be put on alret anytime he's nearby. Doesn't know that Xio fought his dark side.

- Shupple the Banette: Has seen her around the mansion, but knows little about her.

- Tanner the Tangrowth: Met him during some repairs to the mansion. Thinks he's an alright guy. Is only aware by word of mouth that his dark side badly injured Tanner by effectively punching a hole in his gut. Great goin, Abs...

- Kiki the Kirlia: Seen her around, doen't know her well, but she's got Xio's scent all over her, and he's not sure what to make of that.

- Maura the Mawile: Never met. Would probably get into fights and competitions if htey knew each other.

- Arc the Arcanine: Hasn't met, yet... Wait seriously? =o.O;=

- Luca the Lucario: Met when he awoke and bashed head with the guy. Then again when they got into a drunk table dancing competition. Outside of that, not much is known.

- Delin the Deino: Hasn't met. Oh come on! D=/

- Haxlia the Haxorus: Hasn't met... I'm going to stop reacting...

- Raine the Ralts: Was unknowingly falling for her after she helped him multiple times. Discovered she was a spy for his own Master and now feels betrayed by her.

- Raimundo the Raichu: Met during the ball when Rai accidently kissed Raine. Half threatened him. Apologized after he discovered he wasn't completely in control of that threat. Thinks Rai is a very scared person.

- Damaris the Dragonair: Hasn't met.

- Sneari the Sneasel: Hasn't met.

- Patrick the Purrloin: Hasn't met.

- Maria the Minun: Hasn't met.

- Glyph the Gligar: Was thretened by Glyph after his own threat towards Rai. After confessing his secret dark side, Glyph seemed like he could empathize, but not quite on Aberius' side. Thinks of Glyph as having a killer's instinct, but won't fully realize it just yet.

- Hon the Houndoom: Met briefly outside the kitchen.

- Mist the Mismagius: Saw her at the ball. Doesn't know much about her.

- Dustin the Dustox: May have caught a glimpse of him at the ball, but wouldn't know to identify him by name.

- Lollita the Gothitelle: Hasn't met yet.

- Chandacy the Chandelure: Hasn't met yet.
